Once a fratstar always a fratstar. TFM.

    1. FrattinWithClass

      Damn straight. Mark Cuban is a world class cocksucker, and the money makes it worse.

      14 years ago at 5:16 am
  1. FrattinWithClass

    Nice clip ons in the first photo, by the way. They guy with the red one looks like a bigger tool than MC.

    14 years ago at 7:35 am
    1. FrattinWithClass

      AND buttons on tux shirts rather than studs. Are these idiots fuckin’ yankees or what?

      14 years ago at 7:37 am
  2. Johnny23

    I wear long seeve shirts under short sleeve shirts under long sleeve shirts. But seriously Cuban is the shit. FaF.

    14 years ago at 4:51 pm
  3. LiberalsAreGDIs

    I don’t know how many times I have to say this on totalfratmove.com:

    Jews are not, have not, and never will be – Frat. End of story.

    Being white is mandatory.

    14 years ago at 6:34 pm
    1. Slick Back Frat

      The people who run this site are Texas AEPi’s… Usually I’m down for some good ole fashioned racism. With that said, Jews can definitely be frat. Also, if you haven’t noticed jews are white you fucking moron.

      14 years ago at 8:17 am
  4. SouthernClass1

    granted mark cuban is the man but how he is dressed in this picture is NF. polo or no go

    14 years ago at 12:13 pm