Telling a panhandling bum to "get a job" even though I don't have one. TFM.

    1. KJLC

      B ROwe, anybody who brags about being a lazy sack of shit needs to be hazed. If your parents had the same attitude you’d be living off welfare you fuck.

      13 years ago at 4:27 pm
    2. B ROwe

      But they didn’t, which is why I’m in the position I’m in. Actually, my dad was the same way, my grandfather was the one who worked. We found oil on our land in South Texas so my children and grandchildren probably won’t ever have to work as long as they invest the money passed down properly they’ll be fine. I’m also not a lazy sack of shit, my tee times are at 9 AM four times a week and I have run numerous marathons.

      13 years ago at 2:22 am
    1. BROwn out

      Keep telling yourself that, if you ever talked to a veteran of corporate business and told them that they’d laugh in your face.

      13 years ago at 6:53 pm
    2. Benjamin Graham

      So BROwn out, let me get this straight. You and your lazy ass parents have never had to work because you just live off of your grandparents’ money? And yet you have serious connections to a veteran of corporate business? Get the fuck out of here.

      If you come from money, that’s great, but don’t look down on those who work to make something of themselves. As far as I am concerned, working even if you don’t need to shows initiative, drive, and signs of a promising future. Skipjack, you, sir, are FaF.

      13 years ago at 4:37 pm
  1. Nobody

    Why is everyone giving him a hard time? Just because he doesn’t have a job(because he probably doesn’t need one) doesn’t mean he can’t tell a hobo asking for money to get one..

    13 years ago at 12:25 am
  2. Fraticus IV

    Do this all the time. Im just trying to help them out by giving them the best advice i can give

    13 years ago at 2:51 pm