1. Alpha Frat

      Have you heard of flag code you degenerate fuck? you need some more hazing before you can even think about labeling things as Frat or not

      13 years ago at 4:23 am
  1. MOMOgotMojo

    The only men that are allowed to be under the flag died for their country. Using a symbol of our freedom as a cape TCommunistM

    13 years ago at 10:15 pm
    1. Kentucky delux

      Fuck. You. Would you not want to rage with a flag on your back. Doing it for the great red white and blue.

      13 years ago at 11:31 am
  2. Brodysseous

    Treating the most beautiful fucking flag on earth with the respect it deserves, FaF. Only bottom-tier, communist, retards would use the symbol of our freedom as a fucking costume.

    13 years ago at 11:02 pm
    1. Fratrick Swayze 1856

      Calm the fuck down and get a tissue brodysseous, you sound like a whiney little bitch. Living in America means having the freedom act like a jackass and run around wearing the flag and chugging cheap grain alcohol if you so desire

      13 years ago at 2:57 pm
    2. Brodysseous

      Fratrick Swayze 1856 I’m all for raging for America, don’t get me wrong, but considering people have died in combat rather than let the flag be defiled, the least we can do is show the respect it is due. Don’t be such a fucking cock-bag about it.

      13 years ago at 4:55 pm
  3. BroJo1856

    Wearing the American flag as an article of clothing is against the constitution, commy.

    13 years ago at 11:55 pm
    1. The Golden Fleece

      Thank you! Jesus, what has happened to you people? How many times must it be said, don’t wear Old Glory as a cape, you look like a try hard GDI idiot.

      13 years ago at 10:58 am
  4. Richard Head

    Nothing wrong with an American flag shirt. I’ll justify it through this scenario. If you were to purchase and wear an American flag shirt and wear it to a foreign country such as France, it would be a huge American middle finger to every euro-trash fucker who laid eyes on you. Wearing the flag as a cape however, is terribly disrespectful.

    13 years ago at 1:28 am
    1. Richard Head

      Sounds like somebody didn’t graduate fifth grade. And no, I won’t go hang myself. I actually don’t remember writing this.

      13 years ago at 9:52 am