^ not true. i work in investment banking. while there are math majors and SOME engineering majors, most people have a background in accounting, finance, or economics – majors that are heavy in math, but still business related.
I work in IB too. My analyst class is 50/50 business/non business related majors. More than a few engineers. They put you through a rigorous training program so as long as you’re smart and you’ve proven that in a tough major at a good school, it doesn’t matter what you majored in. Also note: Not one SEC school is considered s target at any of the bulge brackets or even top boutiques for that matter – EVEN in a strong job market.
@Discounted Cash Bro Very true. I go to school up north; luckily at one of the schools that are heavily recruited from for IB. Unless you’re coming from an Ivy, MIT, U Chicago or Stanford, you’re pretty much shit out of luck.
Engineering and physics are two EXTREMELY popular majors for kids who are attempting to break into investment banking. Not sure what you’re trying to say.
actually, investment bankers are rarely business majors. they’re more often majors that are good with numbers, like engineering or math.
14 years ago at 7:46 pm^ not true. i work in investment banking. while there are math majors and SOME engineering majors, most people have a background in accounting, finance, or economics – majors that are heavy in math, but still business related.
14 years ago at 8:18 amI work in IB too. My analyst class is 50/50 business/non business related majors. More than a few engineers. They put you through a rigorous training program so as long as you’re smart and you’ve proven that in a tough major at a good school, it doesn’t matter what you majored in. Also note: Not one SEC school is considered s target at any of the bulge brackets or even top boutiques for that matter – EVEN in a strong job market.
14 years ago at 10:14 amFrom what I understand, Vandy and South Carolina both have well respected business schools.
14 years ago at 11:08 am@Discounted Cash Bro Very true. I go to school up north; luckily at one of the schools that are heavily recruited from for IB. Unless you’re coming from an Ivy, MIT, U Chicago or Stanford, you’re pretty much shit out of luck.
14 years ago at 10:17 pmEngineering and physics are two EXTREMELY popular majors for kids who are attempting to break into investment banking. Not sure what you’re trying to say.
14 years ago at 7:53 pmI’m gonna hope for the better and say he meant to say his dad COULD get him the job, but that still doesn’t make too much sense
14 years ago at 8:09 pmAnother “oh my dad got me an awesome job” post. Don’t you know everyone on this site has fathers who are CEO’s? Time for some new material
14 years ago at 8:19 pmAgreed, I got offers from two different investment banking firms. And I was a 3.2 Business Major…cool story BRO
14 years ago at 8:11 amMajoring in engineering. TgdiM.
14 years ago at 8:50 pmBeing smart. TFM
14 years ago at 10:24 pmit may be a TgdiM when you go to a moron school, but when you go to a school where the majority of people are engineering majors, it’s TFM
14 years ago at 12:10 amStudying engineering because you want to, because you know you’ll be rich no matter what you study – TFM.
14 years ago at 12:10 amUnless it was the headquarter office of a bulge bracket (read: New York), and I doubt that it was, then this doesn’t matter.
14 years ago at 11:01 am