NBC omitting "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance during the U.S. Open. NF. Fox publicly hazing NBC until they formally apologize. TFM.

  1. Lucas Fratterson

    Hey liberal retards, ever read the Declaration of Independence? You know, the one that talks about things endowed to us BY A CREATOR. That creator is God.

    And I’m not going to argue the Christian beliefs of the Founding Fathers because frankly, the government is not allowed to establish a SPECIFIC religion. That doesn’t mean they can’t establish religion in general. You’re making conservatives look like they can’t read the Constitution when you make claims like this, so stop. And for the record I am a Christian.

    In short, NBC screwed up, and they deserve all the ramifications for that mistake. There is no argument to be made against that.

    13 years ago at 3:49 pm
    1. Fratlosopher King

      “the government is not allowed to establish a SPECIFIC religion. That doesn’t mean they can’t establish religion in general.”

      I… what? That’s exactly what it means: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion…”

      13 years ago at 4:19 pm
  2. Damn Right

    Everyone talks about whiny liberals, how about whiny conservatives? Who gives a shit, stop whining. Im Catholic and I could care less, one network choosing to alter the pledge of alleigance in order to include all religions isnt a big deal. Leave the whining for the Liberals

    13 years ago at 4:06 pm
    1. rosesandpearls20

      I’m Catholic and it meant a lot to me, I couldn’t believe the disrespect.

      13 years ago at 1:36 pm
  3. LSullivanRoss

    If you hate God so much, move to china, cuba, or north korea. America was settled by people who knew what religious persecution meant. It meant getting drawn and quartered or burned at the stake because your monarch didn’t share your beliefs, hence the Establishment Clause. Some athiest geed who gets upset at the use of the word God and the notion that there is a higher power the Obama (or government in general) is not persecution. I would also like to say the nowhere in the Constitution does it say “separation of church and state.”

    13 years ago at 4:16 pm
    1. Damn Right

      There’s a big difference between atheism and communism. Obviously an atheist at NBC made the decision to remove the phrase under God, and who gives a shit, because thats his right. Agree with their beliefs or not, the company has rights to protest religion and thats what they were doing.

      Im not an atheist or a liberal, I just hate whiners. There’s also nothing in the Constitution that says you cant alter the pledge

      13 years ago at 4:23 pm
  4. pibetaphlan

    “If we ever forget that we’re one nation under God, then we will be one nation gone under.” -Ronald Reagan.

    that’s why.

    13 years ago at 4:16 pm
    1. Damn Right

      This was before the agnostic/atheist movement. Things have changed since the 80s. Agree with their beliefs or not if someone doesnt believe in God then why are they gonna pledge that they are a nation under God?

      13 years ago at 4:25 pm
    2. Prefferedshacker

      If you’re going to recite the pledge, recite the whole pledge. You have the right not to say it. Also, that person is not “a nation under God”, they are a person that is part of this great nation that was founded, under God.

      13 years ago at 1:01 am
  5. President W Bush

    Here is why it is wrong to omit “under God” from the pledge. My reasoning is based on tradition, history, and christianity. This country was founded mostly by christians. Now i know, there were people out there like Ben Franklin who were different (I believe he was agnostic or something), but mostly they were christians. It is a way to remind ourselves of the values and beliefs that this country was founded on, to look back to the past and see what type of direction this country could have gone if not truly blessed by God.

    13 years ago at 4:26 pm
    1. EgotisticalWASP

      Your name is incredibly fitting considering the fact that I’d give this post a “C.”

      13 years ago at 4:33 pm
    2. 11fratty

      What does it say about you personally if you require to hear “under God” to be reminded of what values you assume America was founded upon?

      13 years ago at 5:50 pm
  6. James Frank Hopkins

    NBC was just asking to get hazed by disrespecting our country like that. Although I don’t think you necessarily need to include the phrase “under god” to pledge allegiance to your country, it is still a part of it and nobody has any right to omit anything unless it is officially changed. Another great example of Liberals trying to subtly sway the political ideology of Amercans through media. So yes, frat on Fox and fuck NBC.

    13 years ago at 5:59 pm
  7. ohpatsaysshe

    the constitution grants us freedom of religion… it does not grant us freedom FROM religion

    13 years ago at 6:39 pm
  8. Sorry_for_fratting

    God is the only reason why our nation is the best in the world. Without God, our nation will be like every other country in the world: poor, starving, and wondering why they can’t be like us.

    13 years ago at 6:48 pm
    1. EgotisticalWASP

      While I think America is the greatest country in the world, we are nowhere close to being the richest.

      13 years ago at 6:58 pm
    2. frat blunts

      Oh yeah, I forgot your “god” is just punishing all those starving kids around the world.

      13 years ago at 7:10 pm
    3. sorostitute_UT

      Sorry for fratting, yes God has blessed the United States because the people trusted God and turned to him in times of need this is not the case anymore. Also the Romans and Greeks were weathy and ultimately brought to ruins which could happen to us in an instant.

      Frat Blunt, the Bible clearly points out that God does not ever promise monetary or physical wealth.

      13 years ago at 7:19 pm
    4. EgotisticalWASP

      … God blessed the United States because Americans trusted God and turned to him in times of need? But he “doesn’t promise” monetary or physical wealth and just ignored the third world? Darling, you’re one smart cookie.

      13 years ago at 7:38 pm
    5. Sexpert

      Hey WASP, we have the highest GDP in the world and largest economy so id say we are the richest, granted we do have a massive debt.

      13 years ago at 7:43 pm
    6. sorostitute_UT

      I never said He blessed us with Money. You did point out we are not the richest country. He did bless us with some successes and freedoms. Also individuals have to take the gifts God gives them and use them to the best of their abilities, which is also what God tells His people to do. God makes very few promises and that is just how it goes.

      And thank you I am a smart woman. You, however, could not understand what I am talking about since you think it is stupid for people to be religious outside of holidays.

      13 years ago at 7:51 pm
    7. EgotisticalWASP

      I’m more or less just wondering why God blessed our citizens during times of need and not the inhabitants of other countries.

      13 years ago at 7:56 pm
    8. Pearls_n_Pansies

      What’s interesting about mentioning the ancient civilizations of the Romans and Greeks Sorostitute, is that the Romans, especially Emperor Augustus himself, believed in the notion of ‘pietas’. Which essentially meant that if Roman citizens did not profess there allegiance to their state, their religion or their family, the gods would smite them with ill-favor and war. Therefore, Virgil’s ‘Aeneid’ became popular during this time period because it celebrated these traditionally historical values as it chronicled the adventures of Aeneas, a Trojan warrior and founder of the Roman bloodline. The reason I bring this up though is because it seems to parallel the sentiments found in this current debate. Thus, I feel the reason why so many conservative Americans find NBC’s actions to be offensive are because they defy our traditional system of values and beliefs and effectively go against our national feelings of patriotism, similar to how Augustus felt when his citizens began to slowly no longer practice “pietas’ and were plagued with years of civil-war and bloodshed.

      13 years ago at 2:09 pm
    9. BluePulaski10

      If you’re so worried about third world countries, get of TFM and go do something about it instead of blaming god.

      13 years ago at 9:50 am
  9. frat blunts

    What gets me is how many people on here brag about being Christians, then brag about their slams and how rich they are.

    I don’t even believe in your god, but know that the Bible (in both the Old and New Testament) speaks against wealth, pride, disrespect, and premarital sex.

    As an atheist, I have no rules to stop me from such behaviors, like the believers do.

    13 years ago at 7:18 pm
    1. Keep Fay Town fratty

      First of all the Bible says nothing about being wealthy being sinful. The love of money will bring a man to evil, but a true fraternity brother is too humble for money to take over his life…we live our lives in a human manner but have faith in a greater power and in Jesus Christ who did not share this imperfectness. So in you being an atheist you only believe in the possibilities that are laid before you in the universe…do you not see that in being human we can only perceive certain things? And do you know that when you pledged your fraternity, you pledged to carry on the values and traditions of it that your founding fathers put their hands on the Bible for? No they did not pledge to carry on having slams and binge drinking because all that doesn’t matter in the eyes of God if you carry the faith. People on this site who don’t understand this make me sick as they don’t represent a true fraternity brother. Get the fuck off this site if you don’t want to represent what your fraternity was founded on.

      13 years ago at 8:47 pm
    2. frat blunts

      Do you know my founding fathers? They did not place their hands on a Bible, and neither did I. We were founded on Sociability and Brotherhood, not religion. If I wanted to join a brotherhood for Christ, I would have gone elsewhere.

      I feel very sorry for you if it “makes you sick” that people did not pledge to carry on the word of a god. It must be horrible to be sickened and ashamed by your brothers who don’t believe.

      And no, I do not have a problem with people who believe. If I did, then I would be doing just what I stand against.

      13 years ago at 10:32 pm
    3. Keep Fay Town fratty

      I dont criticize people who dont believe either. What I hate is that people who don’t believe stereotype believers into people who have hate and use religion to create wars…and then they blame their belief in God for this. God is something we can’t comprehend. We rage and party here on earth because we are human and were not perfection like God is. The only rules we follow as Christians is to try and spread Jesus’ message and carry on the traditions of our religions because its the only thing we can do and as humans, its how we interpret God. Theres much more out there then what you want to and what you can perceive.

      13 years ago at 8:53 pm