NBC omitting "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance during the U.S. Open. NF. Fox publicly hazing NBC until they formally apologize. TFM.

  1. Keep Fay Town fratty

    Atheists have their own agenda just like really crazy religious fanatics like Harold Camping. I m not going to tell you what religion to follow but to me the two most ignorant kinds of people on this earth are religious fanatics and atheists because both tell people what is right and what is wrong. Well guess what, not one atheist on earth knows the extent of what God is, they simply go by what they discover in this universe…but if you listen to a TRUE Christian then you would know that God is not of anything we can perceive. The government should keep God in our constitution and the pledge of allegiance and stay out of our own personal faiths. If you dont like the way we have faith in God then go somewhere where you dont have to and more importantly get the fuck off this site.

    13 years ago at 8:28 pm
  2. noah

    All you ignorant, liberal fucks, listen up. We have had men fighting for our country to keep us from saying “under Buddha” etc… When we have gun crazy, Allah chanting, towel heads trying to get in our country yelling Jihad and trying kill us, you better be damn proud to say “Under God” and and say a thank you to the troops.

    13 years ago at 10:19 pm
  3. The Waltz

    Literally, all of you go fuck yourselves for arguing about something so damn trivial.

    13 years ago at 9:17 am
    1. Frat Till You Sweat

      This isn’t something that is trivial. This fucking matters. It is a part of our fucking pledge to our country. It isn’t OK to change that just because it might offend some dumbass geeds. Regardless of your race, gender, religion, if the pledge isn’t good enough for you the way it is then get the fuck out.

      13 years ago at 1:29 am
  4. Wood Walsh n Scott

    Holy shit people. Honestly, I couldn’t care less what religion you are. Fuck, I don’t care if you’re atheist. As long as you don’t impose your beliefs on me, live your life as a fucking decent human being, and love America, frat on. If not, get the fuck out of here.

    13 years ago at 10:51 pm