1. pledge

    i dont get why everyone bashes each other on here? why can’t we all just frat hard and be proud of it damnit.

    14 years ago at 10:46 pm
    1. bronamath 1855

      if pledges knew how to frat hard, i’d absolutely agree with this, but shut your mouth bows and toes

      14 years ago at 3:19 am
  2. AgDTD

    Alright, one. Arkansas is a great school and has a better Greek Life. Two, Ags got their ass kicked today (imagine that), but our quarterback lost his nerve. But three. Last I fucking checked my school is ranked a hell of a lot higher than fucking Arkansas as far as academics are concerned. Not only are we slated to make more money than any fuck from Fayetteville, have a way higher enrollment, are more heavily preferred by Fortune 500 Companies (read the Journal GDI), but… our quarterback isnt some autistic retard who can’t form a fucking sentence. Yeah he lost, but at least in his press conferences it doesnt sound like he was taught to speak in a god damn pre school.

    Gig ‘Em you stupid ass Pigs.

    14 years ago at 10:52 pm
    1. Fratucator

      being preferred because of your school. NF
      being preferred because of your last name. TFM

      14 years ago at 2:22 pm
    2. In Hoc

      ryan mallett is from texas. good job you fuckin idiot. i love how all of the texas a&m aggies talked so much shit yesterday and still lost. arkansas fans didn’t talk any shit after the game because we were so embarrassed that we only beat ya’lls weak ass football team by one touchdown.

      14 years ago at 5:41 pm
    3. Razorfrat

      1) At ATM, you can watch your dog run away for 3 days. NF
      2) This guy obviously posed for this picture… (No one stands like that, while 2 gdi’s take pictures). NF
      3) I saw zero ATM fans in the actual parking lot, cause they can’t afford a real tailgate. NF
      4) I was back at the tailgate during the post-game press conference. You either couldn’t afford a ticket, or write for your school newspaper. NF

      14 years ago at 11:00 pm
    1. Fraterbury

      They can be…depends on the boots. The more endangered animals the frattier they are.

      14 years ago at 5:07 pm
    2. Fratter Than You

      Are you kidding me? Boots and khakis are definitely frat in my state. Plus its the perfect place to hide your flask for a bourbon and coke during the game.

      14 years ago at 6:50 pm
    3. booweekley

      boots and khakis- fratty. You dumb motherfuckers thinking otherwise should drop your letters an become gdi’s all over again.

      14 years ago at 9:25 pm
    4. General Lee

      As a fellow KA I am ashamed that you think boots and Khakis are NF. Please don’t ever say this again.

      14 years ago at 6:18 pm
    1. Frat Back in the WildFrat Formation

      This photo was taken and submitted by an iphone which doesn’t have a photoshop app to put liquor in a bottle.

      14 years ago at 7:32 pm