1. Frat E. Lee

    Comments for the picture after this one: The girl in the middle looks like she has a lazy eye.

    13 years ago at 9:41 pm
    1. Bob Barker is my bro

      ^Your name is way too big of a coincidence

      But the girl on the left is hurtin for a squirtin of piss

      13 years ago at 9:58 pm
    2. jethaze

      The one in the middle looks like she started slappin the bag a little early. However, yes, if I’m more blackout than she is, and no.

      13 years ago at 10:37 pm
    3. VAkappadelt

      Is this for real? The one on the left is the only one that doesn’t look super white trash. The one on the left has a borderline Snooki poof, for God’s sake. Not to mention I would never be caught dead in a WT dress like that.

      13 years ago at 2:49 pm
    4. GeorgeHazingWBush

      the one on the right is a snicker licker
      photo’s black & white for a reason fellas, they’re disgusting in person

      13 years ago at 7:27 pm
    1. BROwnOutOfProportion

      ^^If you have reliable slams the South will rise at least once per night.

      13 years ago at 11:09 am
    1. BROwnOutOfProportion

      RMFT13, you are consistently a douchebag and give Southern gentlemen a bad name. With all due respect, shut the fuck up.

      13 years ago at 11:11 am
    1. bitchesgetwet

      girl on the left is a whale, get a bigger dress those tits are hanging too low

      13 years ago at 2:30 am
  2. FrattinWithClass

    Leftie will be a chunky soccer mom in 6-7 years. The other two – not impressed.

    As for the photo here: TX A&M, NF

    13 years ago at 5:48 am
    1. blackedoutbarbie

      actuallyyyy they’re from texas tech,and they’re ADPis. the one in the middle is really pretty in real life actually. but this is why you NEVER post a picture of yourself on TFM. when will girls learn?

      13 years ago at 11:20 am
    2. carolinahaze

      Who gives a shit what she looks like in 7 years? Not like I’m sticking around that long.

      13 years ago at 11:20 am