Black out before we got out of Texas, an Old South he wishes he remembered. TFM.

  1. slore slayer

    It looks like he has barely drank any of that crown. How is this fatty fucking blacked out?

    14 years ago at 11:10 pm
  2. phideltdanny55

    All I have to say is, If USA=Fratty, why is the mother fucker drinking Canadian Whiskey?

    14 years ago at 7:03 am
    1. Fratabama

      So I’m guessing everything you’ve ever owned in your life was made in the USA, correct?

      14 years ago at 7:09 am
  3. SECKA

    Some of y’all talking trash on here need to pull your heads out of your asses, sitting on tfm and claiming every thing not made in america, not paid for with daddys money, or not just how you like it is NF, is so gay. You guys just make yourselves sound like geeds wishing they were in a fraternity. Go take your cargo short, smirnoff ice drinking ass to the hookah bar and stop trying so hard to be “frat”. Being FAF comes natural you don’t have to bust your vagina every second in front of the mirror trying to look like a god damned brooks brothers catalog.

    14 years ago at 6:57 pm