Dad says all this will be mine someday. TFM.

    1. Broby Petrino

      ^This. Steve Jobs is an incredible business man, sell the best product and monopolize the accessory market for it.

      14 years ago at 7:42 pm
    2. booze haze slam

      Im ultra fratty and I have a mac. if you morons would learn something you would see how easy and more efficient it is than a pc. but yeah hippies fucking suck!

      14 years ago at 7:50 pm
    3. PhiKappaTitties

      Hey Floridafrat you’re probably too poor to even afford a MacBook you jabroni

      14 years ago at 7:55 pm
    4. Floridafrat

      You’re too right PKT, I’m green with envy. This rockstar over here is smoking cigars I can’t afford, wearing sperrys I’d never be able to buy and has a macbook which is far too expensive for my meager budget. How did you know?

      14 years ago at 8:13 pm
    5. older row

      Titties, I’m ashamed to call you my brother, please stop. Your username alone is a disgrace.

      14 years ago at 12:02 am
    6. SirFratsAlot

      Haha phikappa. I can’t go on the ice looking like a jibroni, haha that episode is hilarious.

      14 years ago at 11:58 pm
    7. Fratological Studies

      “The Jabroni beating, *lalalalalalalahhhh* pie eating, trail blazin’, eyebrow raisin’, step off the brake put your foot on the gas, ALWAYS ready to whoop some ass, the People’s CHAMP, The ROCK!”

      14 years ago at 12:25 pm
    1. peacelovelyre

      Everything the light touches is our kingdom.

      That was the first thing that came to my mind too.

      14 years ago at 10:45 pm
  1. Czar Nobama

    Why does everyone think they have to put their sperrys in the photo? It’s getting so fucking old. Also hit puberty already and grown some fucking leg hair.

    14 years ago at 4:50 pm
    1. toss me a bronson

      yeah I don’t know why people still think putting these pictures up is a good idea

      14 years ago at 9:27 pm
  2. J Goldsmith

    Good thing you placed the cigar so we could read the Montecristo logo perfectly.

    14 years ago at 5:14 pm
  3. FrattinWithClass

    WOW — Impressive. Daddy says you get our cheap ass S. Florida time share overlooking the old ladies and grease balls at the pool.

    14 years ago at 5:16 pm
  4. Newbies

    “ok dad tell me if this looks good, i have my sperrys on, montecristo perfectly aligned, and part of my macbook showing. am i frat yet?”

    14 years ago at 5:57 pm