If you're going to wear a tank top, you fucking own that thing all day. TFM.

  1. Dave_Fratthews

    If you look at the Aggie A Chi O’s website, you begin to understand why Short Bus there has a fanny pack. It’s probably not even a pity gift.

    14 years ago at 8:30 pm
  2. lake fratasu

    being a white trash, redneck, poor hillbilly is in no way F. i would be ashamed of you if you were my brother and you thought you were cool because you look like joe dirt and have a tank top sunburn. even if this were a joke, you’re not funny. sorry.

    14 years ago at 7:55 am
    1. TexasKAT

      Your use of the letter F in place of the word frat is embarrassing. You should be ashamed of not only yourself, but the womanly way in which you use the english language.

      14 years ago at 6:49 pm