"Sorry I blacked out and rawdogged your roommate" cake.

    1. fratostrophic

      who the fuck raw dogs it with your brothers watching you unless your slam walks in and catches you then tells you about it the next day. That is the only way i know possible of finding out about shit like that.

      13 years ago at 12:39 am
    2. Sperry Frat Sider

      fratostrophic here’s a not so elegant scenario: you fucked a girl who wasn’t blacked out…… Are you a PIKE?

      13 years ago at 5:52 pm
    3. fratostrophic

      ^Im not a fucking pike. I was drunk as fuck when i commented sorry im not sorry

      13 years ago at 11:37 pm
  1. ice cold frat

    you baked a cake for your slam? either that or your slam rawdogged YOUR roommate?

    13 years ago at 11:01 am