Watching my landscapers mow the grass while I celebrate their independence. TFM.

  1. Fraton Rouge Senior

    Not trying to be that guy right now but cinco de mayo is held in celebration of one of the only battles that Mexico won in a war with france, not mexican independence

    14 years ago at 11:37 am
  2. JTCS

    Not knowing what the Mexican independence day is= TFTC, but you’re an idiot- Cinco de Mayo has nothing to do with Mexican independence. It celebrates a victory over the French in 1862, which is a TFM.

    14 years ago at 11:54 am
    1. FartyasFuck

      JTCS is you want to go around acting like a smartass calling people an idiot on a half-serious fraternity message board you might want to get your facts straight. Cinco de Mayo as a whole celebrates Mexican heritage. The only place that uses the date to celebrate it for the victory over the frogs is the state of Puebla. I’m also not trying to look like a know it all, I’m just not retarded and am pointing out any dumbass can use wikipedia.

      14 years ago at 1:16 pm
    2. JTCS

      White Horse- France is NF agreed but conquering another country = TFM
      Farty- ‘Cinco de Mayo … celebrates Mexican heritage’ Great, so it’s a made up worthless holiday like Kwanzaa.

      14 years ago at 4:03 pm
    3. Bullets and Bulleit

      Something’s only TFTC when you know it’s not supposedly acceptable, but you do it anyway, because you do what you want. Not knowing it in the first place just makes you an idiot. For example: I know I should bow to a king, but I don’t because I’m TFTC. If I don’t know to bow, them I’m just some moron with bad manners.

      14 years ago at 7:52 am