Bubba. TFTC.

    1. The Great Fratdoors

      Agreed. That was the best played par 5 I’ve ever seen. Pretty incredible.

      14 years ago at 11:09 am
  1. Roger Fraterer

    When are people going to learn that Bubba Watson is NF… There are tons of golfers on tour frattier than bubba, tons. Name one thing fratty he has ever done off the golf course, go ahead. And criticizing Europe is not frat sorry any GDI can do that. And if anyone wants to argue watch his fuckin YouTube video and then try to argue, a disgrace to golf. I would go as far as to say bubba is one of the more GDI players on tour, if his sponsor wasn’t ping he’d be in about the same class as fowler. Being from Georgia and having a half way decent frat shag doesn’t make you fratty. Being in a fraternity and fratting hard at all times does, Bubba can claim neither of those…

    14 years ago at 5:43 pm
    1. fratTP

      ^check out this guy… o and everything Bubba does is fratty do you have a $500K watch? Or drive the cars he does? or even have a golf game remotely close? didnt think so. and to call him a disgrace to golf your a complete moron.

      14 years ago at 9:31 pm
    2. Bro Miller

      A disgrace to golf? Bubba is a class act. He’s from Florida dumb fuck, just played at Georgia. Yeah he acts goofy and doesn’t dress the part off the course but let me know when you get to play golf for a living and have 525,000 on your wrist.

      14 years ago at 9:53 pm
    3. Brolonzo Jackson

      Having that good of a golf game may show some inherent form of frattiness, however, having an expensive watch doesn’t mean you’re “Frat”… Having money for that matter doesn’t make you frat either, its what you do with it. “Flo-Rida” got arrested driving a Bugatti, does that make him a Fratstar? Lil’ Wayne has necklaces and watches that cost more than some of the nicest Mercedes… would you call him “frat”?

      14 years ago at 10:42 am
    4. Mitchapalooza

      When your name is “Bubba” and can hit the ball 350+ and rank in the top 15 in the world, you do not have to meet as many qualifications to be FaF as the rest of us do.

      14 years ago at 9:30 pm
  2. Roger Fraterer

    Who fucking cares what cars he drives that doesn’t make you fratty. This website is called total FRAT move. You’re basically saying A-Rod and all the other GDI multi-millionaire athletes are frat. Sucking off people because they’re wealthy is a total GDI move you would know that if you had any kind of money.

    14 years ago at 10:59 am