Texas Tech Cheerleader Creates Internet Outrage After Posing With Wild African Game She Has Killed

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Kendall Jones is a 19-year-old Texas Tech student who enjoys cheerleading, candlelit dinners, manis/pedis, walks on the beach, and slaying enormous African game with her bare hands. Just playing, she legally hunts them with bows and rifles. She’s also cute as a button, making the juxtaposition of her posing next to these dead behemoths all the more interesting.

Photos she has posted to her Facebook account have brought out the internet pitchforks. In the photos, Jones is posing with African game she has killed–elephants, lions, leopards, zebras, hippos, and more. She’s got quite the collection. Naturally, people are pissed.

An online petition was created for the attention of The Zuck to have the photos removed. From the petition:

For the sake of all animals, especially the animals in the African region… where hunters are going for fun just to kill an animal! Some people have been reporting the pages lately but it seems Facebook is not concerned about what Kendall Jones is promoting in her page.

On her Facebook account, Kendall talks about her reasoning for hunting lions.

From Daily Mail:

‘Controlling the male lion population is important within large fenced areas like these,’ Jones writes. ‘Funds from a hunt like this goes partially to the government for permits but also to the farm owner as an incentive to keep and raise lions on their property.’

However, she doesn’t explain why she kills all the animals seen in her photos.

‘The first animal I ever shot was a White Rhino with a .416 Remington!!’ the teen writes on her Facebook page.

It should be noted that white rhinos are the only rhino species that are not endangered, totaling about 20,000.

I have always been a proponent of “you kill it, you grill it” hunting. Hunting purely for sport just seems kind of fucked up to me. Yes, extenuating circumstances can exist–population control, for example. When Simba taught us about the circle of life, he didn’t say shit about picking up Facebook likes or decorating your home with animal carcasses. I just don’t know, man. I dove hunt, but I eat those little bastards.

Look at these big, beautiful beasts and tell me their deaths while immersed in their natural habitats is no biggie. You can’t. These are some awesome, awesome animals.

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Having said all that, if I ever had the opportunity to pose atop the king of the fucking jungle, you bet your ass I’m all over it. It would become my profile picture for every account I owned from then to eternity.

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[via Daily Mail]

Images via Kendall Jones/ Facebook

  1. NastyNass

    Guys animals should all be respected except cows, pigs, chickens and lamb. Those animals I am fine killing for nutritional sake.

    10 years ago at 1:06 pm
  2. RolledTide

    The sole reason dozens of species of African animals exist is the millions of dollars brought in through the business of big game hunting. Yes, some of those dollars are making some businessman rich, but the rest are used to purchase more land and protect the endangered species. You know what’s funny? That sounds a whole lot like capitalism; using businesses to solve the problems society endures. This is a win-win situation for everyone: The men who make business off of these hunts, the endangered animals who are supported through the funds, African villages who depend on these animals for survival, and the hunter who would rather their contribution to charity be a memorable experience where they can see exactly what good their money does than a give a check to someone else that handles the charity. I don’t see how anybody could wage a war to end that.

    10 years ago at 1:24 pm
  3. Arkanfrat

    Was the subject of this article contacted for comment? Or are we just playing pretend journalist today?

    10 years ago at 1:57 pm
  4. OnceAPikeAlwaysAPike

    This kind hunting just bothers the fuck out of me. But then I look at the girl and I feel a little better

    10 years ago at 2:21 pm
  5. Old Fratsputin

    I agree 100% on the “you kill it, you grill it” mentality. I pretty much agree with everything you say in this article. Yet I can’t help but feel like TFM is trying to reform it’s image politically so that it doesn’t stand out as much which I think is a big mistake.

    10 years ago at 2:24 pm
    1. Old Fratsputin

      My point is it seems like you guys are fishing for stories that make it easy for you to agree with the left on something while still retaining your mainly conservative reader base. I just think that’s a bit like “selling-out”.

      10 years ago at 2:46 pm