Tech has one of the strongest greek systems in the state. Show some damn respect instead of as soon as you see its from Lubbock immediately commenting raider rash. UT probably has more STD on account of all the fuckin hippie liberals walking around shooting up heroine on the drag.
Say what you want about our grades or raider rash ( in which I have never encountered) but behind UT, Texas Tech’s Greek system in Texas is the best…. Facts
Also you can say get your guns up and your grades down or however it goes but the simple fact is that Texas Tech is ranked 18th by recruiters nationwide for schools to recruit from….. so suck our West Texas cocks
Source is the WSJ and for you geeds that’s the Wall Street Journal…
To quote (and correlate obama with) Home Alone ‘Keep the change…ya filthy animal’
14 years ago at 1:49 amTech has one of the strongest greek systems in the state. Show some damn respect instead of as soon as you see its from Lubbock immediately commenting raider rash. UT probably has more STD on account of all the fuckin hippie liberals walking around shooting up heroine on the drag.
14 years ago at 8:32 amWreck Em’ Raiders! FAF
14 years ago at 4:00 pmTexas Tech. FAF
13 years ago at 4:17 pmSay what you want about our grades or raider rash ( in which I have never encountered) but behind UT, Texas Tech’s Greek system in Texas is the best…. Facts
Also you can say get your guns up and your grades down or however it goes but the simple fact is that Texas Tech is ranked 18th by recruiters nationwide for schools to recruit from….. so suck our West Texas cocks
Source is the WSJ and for you geeds that’s the Wall Street Journal…
12 years ago at 2:58 pm
Number 18 so STFU
Wreck em’
12 years ago at 3:01 pm