total frat move internship

TFM, A Non-Hazing Organization, Is Looking For Part-Time Interns In The Austin Area

total frat move internship

That’s right. We here at TFM are looking to stock our Austin, Texas office with an all-star team of college interns to help us handle a wide array of tasks ranging from social media management to content creation to podcasting to video content to losing to me in Golden Tee Golf/ping pong.

If you’re interested in a career in social media, digital media, writing, editing, or you just want to sort through funny videos all day while enjoying the delicious fruits of our supremely well-stocked break room, this internship is for you. That last part isn’t even a joke. The first task we have lined up for our newest batch of interns is to help us curate the funny-as-shit user-submitted videos that we post to our 1.1 million follower Instagram account. Equally fun tasks accompany that one, too. As long as you can handle Dan’s disgusting protein farts and that holier-than-thou air that marks Dorn, life as a TFM Intern is as sweet as it gets in the internship world.

Here’s what we’re looking for in potential TFM interns:

•Member of a fraternity or sorority who currently attends an Austin, Texas-area college (UT-Austin, Texas State, St. Ed’s, ACC, etc.)

•Able to work with us out of TFM Headquarters for around 8-12 hours a week during our work hours of 9-6 Monday-Friday

•Proficient at Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat. WordPress, Hootsuite, and Dropbox skills are a major plus.

•VERY firm grasp of the English language (if you ever use the wrong “your” or “to” you’ll be forced to take multiple laps around our expansive office complex)

•Not a dumbass

•Not a boner/tryhard

•Incredibly competent


Benefits of interning with TFM:

•The experience and visibility that comes with working for a comedy site that brings in millions of unique monthly visitors

•The ability to co-manage numerous social media accounts with 1,000,000+ followers, which makes for a great resume builder

•We plan to feature some interns on podcasts, in videos, and in articles, which could be yuuuuge for your personal brand/social media following

•If we like you, we’ll write you a letter of recommendation come big boy job/grad school time

•The best snack game this side of the Colorado

•While this internship is unpaid, it may qualify for school credit at your institution

•Memories that will last a lifetime (or something like that)

Interested? Here’s How To Apply

Send an email to me at with subject line “TFM INTERNSHIP APPLICATION-(your name)” that includes the following information/answers the following questions:

1. Your full name, your age/year in school, the school you attend, your major, your fraternity/sorority

2. A 150-300 word statement explaining why you’d like to intern with TFM

3. What’s one thing you like about TFM and one thing you’d change about TFM?

4. What’s the #1 snack you hope we have in our break room?

5. What do you think is the most overrated snack? (Take this question seriously; for all you know, it’s going to be the only one we read when reviewing applications)

We’ll review all applications as they come in. As in, apply right now and you could get a response by the end of the day. So get on it, but don’t be sloppy.

If we don’t respond to your email within 10 business days, then I don’t know… I guess you suck or something. If we do, though, we’ll ask you for some more info and then bring you in for an interview.

Happy applying.

  1. StockWithFrock

    Make sure this new intern has a bigger set of balls than intern shemale did. Ain’t down for more of that whining shit.

    8 years ago at 12:29 pm
  2. AndrewsMomsAss

    What about proficiency with MySpace, AOL Instant Messenger, and Compuserve discussion boards?

    8 years ago at 12:34 pm
  3. USAFA17

    How does it feel to know that tfm trusts interns more than they trust you with the instagram account?

    8 years ago at 12:36 pm
  4. Henry_Eighth

    How many applications will say that what they want to change about TFM is to kill Wally and blackball thevaginator?

    8 years ago at 12:44 pm
    1. SteveHoltOnDrugs

      Yes. Here’s directions to the Grandex office: go southwest on Highway 217. When you reach the ocean, keep going. The Grandex office is offshore about 100 fathoms below the surface.

      8 years ago at 12:52 pm
    1. SteveHoltOnDrugs

      You’re too old for him.

      Hey, Jared, I used both ‘you’re’ and ‘too’ correctly. You should hire me but your probably to intimidated by my great English skills.

      8 years ago at 1:39 pm