TFM Halloween Costume Contest Winners

I’d like to thank everyone who participated and either failed miserably, causing me to laugh hysterically, or succeeded, causing me to laugh hysterically. Honorable mentions will receive TFM koozies for everyone in the photo, and winners will receive TFM koozies as well as ‘Merica tee shirts from for everyone in the photo.

Honorable Mentions

Skiing penguins.

This picture earned points because it involves awesome penguin costumes, partaking in unsafe activities, and it was actually taken in a fraternity house (see composites on walls).

Mr. McGibblets. What more can be said?

I had no idea who the fuck Mr. McGibblets was until I did a little research, but honestly it wouldn’t have mattered. Full body costumes of this nature show incredible dedication (or orders from an active) and the name Mr. McGibblets is funny as fuck.

Every girl is a unique TSM. Here are 27 of them…

This was a no brainer for honorable mention, but if it had been 60+ girls all in heels, unique TSM dresses, AND pearls, then they would’ve made it to the winner’s circle.

It’s all in the lean.

The comments on this one alone were enough to merit an honorable mention. The delay before people realized there were females in this photo was priceless.

I was going to dress up like a GDI, but then I realized I wouldn’t get laid. TFM.

In a perfect world you’d have to stay home if you can’t or don’t want to pull off a scantily clad Halloween costume. We don’t live in a perfect world. Is that a skiing penguin with his arm around her?

Natty Knight.

I’ve seen variations of this costume, but there can only be one true Natty Knight. This stout fucker would unhorse all others.

One: cut a hole in the box.

We’ve seen variations of this one as well, but the facial expressions, sunglasses and caption got this particular “Dick in a Box” a spot under the tree.

Business Cowsual for Halloween.

Classic wordplay with utters and a blazer earns you a spot in the honorable mentions section. For the record, those of you who were lucky enough to see “Utter Oral” before it was removed by the submitters request, that would’ve taken this spot.


Pledge fire.

This one really had it all: use of pledge, entertainment for others at the party, cleverness, and costume execution. Flawless.

Delta’s Angels…thank you Halloween.

Many people submit photos with the caption “No caption necessary” but this is the first time it would’ve been acceptable.

Slap the bag

I had never seen this costume attempted and it easily could’ve resulted in “What are you supposed to be?” failure. These girls executed the idea very well, included all three flavors, and I would slap all three bags.

Check out all of the submissions for the TFM Halloween Costume Contest 2011 and the rest of the finalists that didn’t quite make the cut.

  1. Fratersby

    I honestly don’t think those angels are real, but then again that’s what going to Georgia Tech does to you; makes you think all the beauty has gone out of the world.

    13 years ago at 10:01 pm
    1. J Fratpont Morgan

      He’s just jealous he didn’t make it the extra 60 miles to Athens so he could go to a real college.

      13 years ago at 10:33 pm
    2. Rich

      I’m no expert… But I think a degree from GT might mean a little more than a degree from UGA.

      13 years ago at 8:35 am
    3. Brian Brosaben

      ^^^ I like my coffee black and with a little sugar and if you brought in the next 5 minutes that would be great….see what I did here, I basically told you that you’d be working for me because your dumb as hell. And then I explained the joke because your dumb as hell.

      13 years ago at 9:03 am
    4. KappaSigCU

      a GT diploma sign that your gonna make a shit ton of money
      a UGA diploma sign that your have alotta money and had fun in college

      13 years ago at 12:19 am