TFM’s Best Comments Of The Week

There's no such thing as "too soon."
There’s no such thing as “too soon.”
I fully support waterboarding pledges.
I fully support waterboarding pledges.
Which one of you said that? Bert or Ernie? 'Cause Ernie is a solid 7.5.
Which one of you said that? Bert or Ernie? ‘Cause Ernie is a solid 7.5.
"Like such as the Iraqs."
“Like such as the Iraqs.”
Now you're just overcompensating. Not convinced.
Now you’re just overcompensating. Not convinced.
Try to keep your comments under control, David.
Try to keep your comments under control, David.
I'll take mine raw, please.
I’ll take mine raw, please.
I appreciated that reference. I haven't thought about that awful show in years.
I appreciated that reference. I haven’t thought about that awful show in years.
Starts out slow and builds to a rockin' pace. That's actually some good advice. Thanks, Blue.
Starts out slow and builds to a rockin’ pace. That’s actually some good advice. Thanks, Blue.

She's just how I like my golden retrievers: completely dependent on my attention and humps my leg constantly.
She’s just how I like my golden retrievers: completely dependent on my attention and humps my leg constantly.

    1. MagicMushroomMessiahThatWillEatYourBrainsandStuff


      9 years ago at 9:36 am
  1. Deadlift27

    Why are these pictures blurry on your own mobile app. Fix your shit. I’m not bringing my laptop in the bathroom for my morning poops just for you tfm

    9 years ago at 8:48 am
  2. Karl Karlson

    I bet you dress like a woman and bate every time I comment. What a nancy.

    9 years ago at 9:33 am
      1. Karl Karlson

        Big fan Shibs. Can I call you Shibs? You need to have another craft brew sample sesh on PGP so I can stop drinking the same shit.

        9 years ago at 4:22 pm
  3. SomethingSomethingDangerZone

    Damn intern, is it getting hard to breathe with frabsts dick that far down your throat?

    9 years ago at 9:45 am
  4. JohnStamos

    You cut my comment about Hilary setting off her snuke. Fuck you intern you uncultured swine

    9 years ago at 10:17 am
  5. Fratasaurus

    The biggest fail is that there still isn’t a forum #neverforget #steveholtgarblescock

    9 years ago at 11:21 am
  6. CreightonFratStar

    Goddamn, intern, all you had to do was insert the IBOTD headings with the relevant comments and you could have had a successful article.

    Fuck you.

    9 years ago at 11:24 am