TFM’s Best Comments Of The Week

Great reason to bring that drinking age down to 18.
Great reason to bring that drinking age down to 18.
Sounds like a great way to ruin that girthy hog of yours, Brooks.
Sounds like a great way to ruin that girthy hog of yours, Brooks.
No such thing as too soon for anonymous online smut forums.
No such thing as too soon for anonymous online smut forums.
Poor woman's gonna need some Vaseline after nursing your grown ass all day.
Poor woman’s gonna need some Vaseline after nursing your grown ass all day.
If you ever have kids, please, PLEASE let the public school system handle the "birds an the bees" talk.
If you ever have kids, please, PLEASE let the public school system handle the “birds and the bees” talk.
Laundry is for grandmas.
Laundry is for grandmas.
  1. gaborjr

    The article might have been better had you included some of the comments from Ask Intern Sydney, but you removed them like a overzealous PTA mom

    9 years ago at 12:55 am
  2. Steve_Pirate

    If you kids really want to get drunk, drink the acid from a car battery. The acid will neutralize with your saliva and then give you one hell of a buzz

    9 years ago at 12:59 am
  3. Steady dividends

    Since when does -14 land you in the biggest fails list? Fuck you, Intern.

    9 years ago at 8:19 am