a nerdy dude on the computer

TFM’s Best Comments Of The Week

a nerdy dude on the computer

Every week, we get hundreds of user comments on the site. Some are terrible, uninspired, and embarrassing, but others are flat-out amazing. Every week, we will be highlighting the latter and shaming the former. Below are the best comments from this week.

Click the article titles to check out some more of the disgusting, beautiful, and absurd comments we get on our site.


And he will even when he’s down to one last breath.

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You’ve gotta use everything to your advantage, even if it’s just the school you attend.

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Overall shitty reporting on our end. We’ll do better next time.

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This is brutal, but you know you don’t disagree with it. Corpses>redheads.


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I filled up 3 airplane barf bags and a dumpster with the puke this awful, terrible present forced out of my face hole.

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They don’t call him JohnnieWalker_Blue for nothin’.

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Et tu, Jackpittman?

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Two grade A comments on one piece. Well done, you guys.

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Wait… What?
  1. America_the_bootyful

    It’s… It’s really here. I don’t believe my eyes, if fail Friday is bestowed upon us in the same week I might turn back to the church

    9 years ago at 6:03 pm
  2. Freddie_Fratman

    What the fuck? Is Fail Friday no longer a thing? This site has turned into garbage

    9 years ago at 12:25 am
  3. GraceBurgess

    My friend ‘Janet.D.Palumbo’ makes $95/hour on the internet. She has been laid off for siX mOnths but last month her paycheck was $20850 just working on the internet for a few hours. Read more on this web site… http://earnpath.tk/

    9 years ago at 1:38 pm