Every week, we get hundreds of user comments on the site. Some are terrible, uninspired, and embarrassing, but others are flat-out amazing. Every week, we will be highlighting the latter and shaming the former. Below are the best comments from this week.
Click the titles to check out the articles and read some more of the disgusting, beautiful, and absurd comments we get on our site.
Grandex does not condone this user-submitted drinking game addition.
No, DrGonzoTFM; I don’t think he does.
Five bucks and a BACARDI BREEZER*.
That technically counts as a ride along.
It’s the only possible explanation.
Ba dum tss!
I don’t think it is, if he’s doing it of his own volition.
Bleach: the official drink of the 2016 presidential election.
Undeniably sound logic.
Undeniably sounder logic.
Haha yeah, me t… wait, what?
Siblings gambling jokes never get old.
And here are the biggest comment fails from this week:
Everything on the internet is true. I believe this.
How’s that college apartment you bought sophomore year treating you?
Every time someone says to “get rid of the w*ll” somewhere in a distant bathroom you can hear Bacon scream “The wall just got ten pages longer!!!” even though no one in the office thought it was funny to begin with… 🙁
Could’ve been better
8 years ago at 12:36 pmFuck you
8 years ago at 12:39 pmHow is “get rid of the wall” not on here
8 years ago at 1:29 pmEvery time someone says to “get rid of the w*ll” somewhere in a distant bathroom you can hear Bacon scream “The wall just got ten pages longer!!!” even though no one in the office thought it was funny to begin with… 🙁
8 years ago at 7:27 pmI’m not a fan of your work
8 years ago at 8:07 pmFuck you
8 years ago at 10:19 pmManaged to get both a top and worst comment, real roller coaster of a week.
8 years ago at 1:31 pmShut up Bob
8 years ago at 1:56 pmGet your north of the border ass the fuck out of here Trebek
8 years ago at 2:09 pm