a nerdy dude on the computer

TFM’s Best Comments Of The Week

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Every week, we get hundreds of user comments on the site. Some are terrible, uninspired, and embarrassing, but others are flat-out amazing. Every week, we will be highlighting the latter and shaming the former. Below are the best comments from this week.

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It’s true. We got Burger King catered last week and he couldn’t. Ha, just kidding – we aren’t poor.
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I think this was the best best comment of the week.
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This account would be a lot better if it didn’t have the “s” after cliff. That really bothers me. I’m sure there was a name available that was correct and matched your avatar.
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He literally just said this five minutes ago.
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SFPL should be fun to be around at ACL this weekend.
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I’m gonna take a break from captioning real quick to go cringe as well. Be right back.
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Face fucking a dead pig is accessible to anyone, but it’s only cool if a rich person does it.
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That is how conception works, yes.
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Words of wisdom from the TFM Commenter community.
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You PC, bro?
    1. thatstruegenttoyou

      I bet you sit in front of your computer all day eating Cheetos and lucky charms while sucking down gallons of milk because it reminds you of your dads jizz before he left you, and before you fall asleep to the sound of your own tears, you jerk off using only a Barbie doll and your thumb and your pointer finger

      9 years ago at 10:08 am
      1. polo____mane

        Honestly shut the fuck up you bitch about my comments all the time but you’re the only one comment on each of them

        9 years ago at 5:28 pm
      2. sdh266

        I say this on behalf of all TFM users: Get the fuck out. We’re sick of your trolling.

        9 years ago at 5:52 pm
      3. Frabst

        Go fuck yourself polo mane, you must have a serious flaw in your brain if you enjoy being a dick on a goddamn website every single day. I say this with sincerity: eat shit and fucking die.

        9 years ago at 8:02 pm
  1. EQK

    Jared, I have to let you know that you give hope to all functioning alcoholics that one day they can slip it in a porn star’s turd cutter. Too bad you didn’t seal the deal. Solid article as usual though.

    9 years ago at 1:25 pm
  2. TheFratController

    Now you’ve acknowledged you’re reading the Stebe Holt comments, are you going to acknowledge he’s a pathetic excuse for a human being, or?

    9 years ago at 1:03 am