a nerdy dude on the computer

TFM’s Best Comments Of The Week

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Every week, we get hundreds of user comments on the site. Some are terrible, uninspired, and embarrassing, but others are flat-out amazing. Every week, we will be highlighting the latter and shaming the former. Below are the best comments from this week.

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Couldn’t have explained it better myself.
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That’s TFM commenter speak for “it’s highly likely that she has daddy issues.”
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You guys got me, I’ll admit it.
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Quite the spank bank, indeed. I’m both impressed and disgusted.
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Damn, never would have guessed that from the title “There Are Two Types of People: Tits vs. Ass.”
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Fournette is going to run for a million yards today. You heard it here first.
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Best username on the site.
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Hey, Brandon!
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An obligatory “#BlackballSteveHolt” comment inclusion.
  1. Sultan Of Swat

    If anyone wants to know what Steve holt looks like, that’s him on the thumbnail.

    9 years ago at 11:54 am
    1. SteveHolt

      Ya that’s me. What you can’t see in the thumbnail is how big my frock is (9 and 1/2 inches).

      9 years ago at 12:36 am