TFM’s Best User Submitted Videos Of The Week

Got a ridiculous, entertaining, or funny video clip? Email it to to be featured in next week’s TFM’s Best User Submitted Videos Of The Week

Going to try something new here. If it works, great. If not, oh well. Your boy will still be leading the company in the weekly page views report by days end regardless, thus having his bar tab for tomorrow covered. Now, some might call this a layup, or low-hanging fruit, with the piece being user-generated content heavy, but I’d argue it’s these type of cheeky shenanigans that make the TFM community one of the more unique places on the internet. So, with that said, and with the fall semester quickly approaching, let’s get the ball rolling and see if we can make this a weekly staple.

We’ve all been there. Things didn’t work out at the bar with that new member mid-tier sorority girl despite a rock solid, grind-it-out performance on your end, keeping a straight face as she talked about how her hospitality classes have “just been so challenging.” Sure, you hit a rough patch after that Lou Gehrig’s disease joke, but who could’ve guessed that not one, but two of her siblings are suffering from the early stages of ALS. That’s just bad luck. Somehow, you overcame that seemingly massive self implemented hurdle and were one less drink away from cattle-prodding her oyster ditch. Unfortunately, you had that drink, her big showed up and disapproved of your 6th-year senior lifestyle, and before you know it, you’re heading home with nothing but your own dick in hand. But rather than rubbing one out, and calling it a night, you keep drinking with the boys, things go off the rails, and you start “Teen Wolfing” brews. Brotherhood!

Perfect toss, but how about the kid calling off his buddy to make the catch. Power moves only.

Obligatory T&A. Shoutout to Chelsea from San Francisco State. This is our answer to the whole #ArchThatBackChallenge on Twitter.

I’m all in on bringing “Ghost Ride The Whip” back with a vengeance.

If you weren’t a fan of the WWF Attitude Era, did you even have a childhood?

Throwing mechanics need some serious work for the next level, but you can get away with it in the college game.

Is this already a thing? If not, let’s make this a thing. That is until someone goes full Terri Schiavo and has to eat paste through a food tube for the rest of their miserable days.

Obviously, we’re just dipping our toes in the water here. This is a team effort, so bring the heat with your submissions, and I’ll try not to mail it in halfway through captions.

Got a ridiculous, entertaining, or funny video clip? Email it to to be featured in next week’s TFM’s Best User Submitted Videos Of The Week

  1. Captain Fratdaddy

    When the glass broke in the window video, I expected more Stone Cold Steve Austin music to come on

    9 years ago at 9:18 am