TFM’s Presidential Debate Drinking Game

Take A Drink if…

“Are you better off than four years ago?” is part of Romney’s opening statement.

Jim Lehrer’s beady eyes look like their gazing into the candidates’ souls.

A Twitter hashtag appears on the screen.

Either candidate makes a personal attack on the other.

Obama mentions the benefits of the welfare system (punch a pledge too while you’re at it).

Obama looks down and says “Ummm…” after a question about Guantanomo bay.

Romney flashes his multi-million dollar smile.

The words “banker,” “policy,” “Wall Street,” “millionaire,” “re-distribution,” or “job-creator” are used by either candidate.

Take Two Drinks if…

Obama mentions “47% of America.”

Romney calls out Obama for taking so many vacations.

Romney brings up the Salt Lake City Olympics.

Bain Capital is mentioned.

Obama makes a joke after being called out for his failed policies.

The words “student loan,” “Anne,” “Michelle,” “Social Security,” “reform,” “gun control,” or “failing economy” are used by either candidate.

Chug Half Your Drink if…

Both candidates start their opening statements by saying “As President of the United States of America…:

Obama rambles about nothing extensively after a call out from Romney.

Obama brings up one of George W. Bush’s policies.

Foreign Policy gets mentioned, even though it isn’t one of the topics selected for this debate.

Romney mentions his Mormon upbringing.

Hillary Clinton is mentioned.

Ron Paul is mentioned.

The words “tax-return,” “Reagan,” “contraception,” “moving forward,” “black,” “socialism,” “communism,” or “Fox News” are mentioned by either candidate.

Finish Your Drink if…

“Obamacare” and “Romneycare” are used in the same sentence.

Obama mentions a rapper.

Obama answers one of his questions in Spanish, to appeal to his Latino voters.

Romney states an electric fence would best solve our border control issues.

Clint Eastwood is mentioned.

Romney mentions each of his children by name through the entirety of the debate.

Empty Every Liquor Bottle in a 10-mile Radius if…

Romney’s closing statement includes the phrase “Mitt’s the Tits.”

Obama decides presidency just isn’t for him and walks off the stage, middle fingers up, screaming “I got your hope and change right here mother fuckers!”

Romney participates in the debate wearing his Magical Mormon Pajamas.

Obama uses the N-word.

Romney uses the N-word.

A fistfight erupts.

Obama walks on stage with “My President is Black” by Young Jeezy playing in the background.

Romney’s closing statement ends in “Vote for me. It’s a TFM.”

  1. France Sucks

    They’re* Just give me a proofreading job at this point. Pay me in Rowdy Gentleman gear and beer. We’ll lie and say I’m disabled. I’m sure there’s a tax break somewhere in there.

    12 years ago at 4:15 pm
  2. A E K D Bro

    Mitt Romney always wears his magic underwear, so I’d call your local liquor store in advance.

    12 years ago at 6:44 pm
  3. FaFSHAW

    Half your drink for “Obama rambles about nothing extensively after a call out from Romney” is deadly.

    12 years ago at 8:23 pm
  4. dukenavalhistorians

    the ‘gazing into the candidates’ souls’ rule got me more than anything

    12 years ago at 8:24 pm