The “Other” Chapter

Every fraternity worth belonging to has chapters in nearly every state. With this large of a geographic spread, a difference in membership from chapter to chapter is expected. While this difference in membership assures that some of your “F or NF” standards might be challenged, some houses just push it too damn far. I’m talking about the black sheep. Those chapters whose brothers you see on Fail Friday wearing embroidered hoodies and cargo shorts while swimming in a sea of equally embarrassing whales disguised as sorostitutes.

I know shit gets fuzzy at the end of hell week but those oaths of eternal brotherhood you took at the end of hell week are supposed to apply to the guys in all the “other” chapters. Yes, you are forever bound to that doucher with the Polo horse tattoo.

Fortunately you can avoid these guys for most of your fraternal experience. They are unlikely to attend a school relevant enough to warrant a road trip and equally as unlikely to be visiting the same frat destination as you. But, at some point in your fraternal career you are bound to run into them. National conventions are notoriously thick with members from “other” chapters. Mandatory attendance assures that a sampling of brothers from the bottom rungs of your national organization will be in attendance. The dress code at the actual convention might make identifying the “other” chapter difficult but the sneakers and blazer look is probably a dead give away.

Now most of you will not attend a national conference but you are not safe from the random visitor. You know who I’m talking about. Your president got a call from so and so from the Rho Nu chapter at Who Gives a Fuck State and they’re going to be in town tonight. Common sense tells you that their irrelevant university located conspicuously north of the Mason-Dixon line harbors an unfortunate breed of fraternity man. If you reject your instincts and extend an invitation in the name of brotherhood you are sure to be disappointed. The brothers from the “other” chapter will probably resemble the last five kids you kicked out of rush and possess comparable skills. If curiosity gets the better of you and you decide to ask about their chapter, prepare for the shame. Best case scenario, their from somewhere with a tiny greek system. Worst case they have 14 guys, no pledgeship, and refer to three connecting apartments as the “fratcastle.”

Thankfully, these instances will be few and far between, allowing us to live our lives without the constant thoughts of all these assholes wearing our letters.

If you have no idea what the fuck I’m talking about then you’re in the “other” chapter.

  1. FraterReagan

    Amen, this sums up my feelings exactly. I feel like every other chapter is the ‘other chapter’

    13 years ago at 10:43 pm
    1. Blackout Menace

      Especially the New York chapters. If SUNY is in their name I want nothing to do with them. I went to an RLC in Baltimore and it was embarrassing

      13 years ago at 1:16 am
    2. Old Joe

      You’re a Delta Chi? I remember shotgunning and blowing most of our southern geed chapters out of the fucking water.

      13 years ago at 11:24 am
    3. Blackout Menace

      We don’t participate in blowing at our conferences, we don’t take our brotherhood to that level. And no I’m not a Delta Chi.

      13 years ago at 3:25 pm
  2. TheFlexMaster

    hahaha… Glad my fraternity didn’t turn me in to a mentally incapable elitist douchebag. It looks like this might be a common occurrence?

    13 years ago at 11:24 pm
  3. RonFratSaladWhite

    “National conventions are notoriously thick with members from “other” chapters.”

    Fucking this. I was horrified at some of the chapters I saw when I went.

    13 years ago at 1:25 am
  4. Dahlonega Fratmaster

    So this was a long way of saying “if you don’t go to a big college with a huge Greek system, I don’t like you and you’re not a true brother?” Yeah, great column asshole

    13 years ago at 1:43 am
    1. fratmydickbitch

      I mean what else were you expecting assfuck? Why would you limit yourself to a small school? No one’s fault, but your own.

      13 years ago at 3:58 am
    2. Dahlonega Fratmaster

      Sounds like you both are model brothers for your fraternities. Fuck “brotherhood” and all that gay shit, let’s be elitist ass douches and write guys off before we even meet them based on the size of their school

      I mean it’s not like just because we’re smaller we just hand a fucking bid to anyone who knocks on the door. We still frat as hard as any SEC school, I’d bet my left nut on it

      13 years ago at 4:35 am
    3. Cullen Brohannon

      Dahlonega Fratmaster,

      You go to North Georgia College and State University. What the fuck kind of name is that? Your entire Greek system has less members than a single bottom tier fraternity at any SEC school; therefore kindly fuck off. Also, it is easy to tell that you are not only in the “other” chapter but you are also that “other” brother in the “other” chapter. Delete your account geed.

      13 years ago at 8:16 am
    4. Dahlonega Fratmaster

      Cullen Brohannon, why don’t you think twice before you insult the fucking military college of Georgia, you un-American sack of excrement. Take a lap and then go fuck yourself

      13 years ago at 1:16 pm
    5. Cullen Brohannon

      “The Army ROTC Corps of Cadets comprises about 13 percent of the student population at North Georgia. Because of this distinction, North Georgia has been designated by the state legislature as The Military College of Georgia.” Don’t try to act like you go to fucking West Point. Even though I am obnoxiously American, your school and Greek system still reek of gangbanged nightwalkers. Your school is on the same list as Texas A&M for “military colleges” and those fucks are the worst pledges in SEC history. Take a lap

      13 years ago at 2:22 pm
    6. fratmydickbitch

      Dahlonega Fratmaster,

      That’s not what i’m saying, all i’m saying is, is that I know usually, not all the time, but usually which schools are fratty, and what to expect whenever i’m going to meet another chapter. I’ve been to smaller schools like Baylor, and LA Tech, and have been surprised by how hard they frat. I could be wrong, i’m just saying that bigger schools with bigger greek systems just usually out frat the smaller ones.

      13 years ago at 5:33 pm
    7. J Fratpont Morgan

      I will say, for a small school that doesn’t allow houses, from what I’ve seen, North Georgia does fairly well.

      13 years ago at 8:33 am
    8. cah053

      LA-Tech fratter here…we try…and I’ll be damned if we don’t succeed! If you don’t think so, then FUUUCK YOU!

      13 years ago at 1:53 am
    9. Dwight D Fratenhower

      While small schools have obvious drawbacks in the slam/partying category, they can often provide opportunities that large universities (specifically state schools) can not.
      do not bash small schools because they may not rage quite as hard as Alabama. When your CEO went to a school smaller than your freshman class, you will understand. Power, pussy and money for a lifetime > Pussy for 4 years

      13 years ago at 6:59 pm
    1. cah053

      well aren’t you just the greatest thing to come out of your mom’s vagina since my dick.

      13 years ago at 1:21 am
  5. RagnarDanneskjold

    I am proud to say that I have never seen any of my brothers from anywhere in a photo on Fail Friday. Sometimes I think that might only be because some of our brothers up north dont know what TFM is, but I’ll take it.

    13 years ago at 1:47 pm
  6. Haze For Future

    The fact that fratomic bomb said “new members” in an earlier post pisses me off, they’re fucking pledges. I don’t give a fuck if they’re sigmas or phis, if they don’t know the entire ritual they’re worthless pledges. Glad to say I’m a traditional SigEp. BMP doesn’t stand for balanced man program it stands for big mouthed pussies, I blame those chapters for my ritual being the most widely known of any fraternity.

    13 years ago at 4:47 pm
    1. BaumCox

      There’s still diamonds in the rough. I’ll agree you with you mostly, and I’m from a bmp chapter. But for some us bmp chapters we had to switch to get back on campus. Honestly, nationals is slowing turning SigEp into the biggest joke of fraternity. That aside, your chapter has a choice to make in 4 years, become BMP or not be SigEp anymore. It blows, but shit happens.

      13 years ago at 2:21 am