The 21 Hottest Videos From Spring Break 2016

If you didn’t enter our 2016 TFM Spring Break Photo Contest presented by Archer on FX, I assume that you spent spring break being coddled by your mother at home. The contest is now closed to entries (sorry to those six schools that waited until this week to have spring break). However, you still have time to vote for the winning entries until March 30 at midnight CST.

The photo with the most votes will receive a $500 gift card to Man Outfitters and a DVD box set of Archer. So vote now to make sure your favorite photo wins. We’ve received a ton of good pictures for the contest. We also received a ton of good videos from you guys and thought we’d relive spring break through some of the best user-submitted videos. Enjoy.

If you want your photo or video to be featured on our Instagram, then you can email them to