The 25 Most Dangerous College Campuses in the U.S.

The list was compiled by Business Insider. It shows our country’s 25 most dangerous college campuses.

The FBI’s Unified Crime Report identified 2,696 violent crime incidents and 87,160 property crime incidents on and around college campuses in 2011.

We ranked the most dangerous colleges by averaging FBI crime data per capita from 2008 to 2011 for schools with enrollment over 10,000. Schools were ranked based on a combination of violent crime rank and property crime rank, with violent crime weighted four times higher.

So, here is the list. There are a few eyebrow-raisers in there.

25. Florida State University
24. University of California — Riverside
23. Arkansas State University — Jonesboro
22. State University of New York College — Buffalo
21. North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
20. Western Illinois University
19. California State University — Fresno
18. Rutgers University
17. Northern Arizona University
16. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
15. Southern Illinois University
14. University of Cincinnati
13. Indiana State University
12. Ball State University
11. Georgia Institute of Technology
10. Louisiana State University
9. University of South Alabama
8. University of New Mexico
7. San Diego State University
6. Vanderbilt University
5. Florida A&M University
4. Duke University
3. University of California — Berkeley
2. New Mexico State University
1. University of California — Los Angeles

The full write-up (linked below) provides much more in-depth information. UCLA goes hard, though, huh?



    1. BossMan DubC

      psshh… the ghetto is at the bottom of the hill. between greek row and the highway.

      12 years ago at 1:48 pm
    2. The Big LeFratski

      You only get in trouble in Cincy if you go down the wrong streets. Campus isn’t too terrible. Greek row isn’t either.

      12 years ago at 3:58 pm
    3. Great_Fratsby

      Greek row? What is there like 4 houses? And most of them are small and run down.

      12 years ago at 8:12 pm
    4. cincinnatty_light

      There’s no Greek “Row”, but a pretty large area of Greek houses West of Campus. Also, our top chapters are around 150 and win numerous national awards so you can blow me. Deepthroat a chainsaw and go ‘Cats.

      12 years ago at 8:35 pm
    1. ImNateHlggers

      ^Too bad they are too busy with the MIPs to catch all the fucking murderers at apartment complexes nearby

      12 years ago at 2:37 pm
    2. facez

      I don’t think it matters that much when you’re still one of the top 25 most dangerous campuses in the country.

      12 years ago at 9:38 am
    1. Hoo Frats Harder

      Yeah what the fuck Dook? That literally doesn’t make sense but raping bitches on the lax field TFTC

      12 years ago at 12:03 am
    1. Natty light

      Worst part is where I went is #9. And that’s not even factoring in the carjacking and kid being shot by the cop this year.

      12 years ago at 1:23 pm
    2. LEGENwaitforitDARY

      Being from North Carolina, Duke is not surprising to me (or anyone here) at all. Durham in general is a dangerous city, and Duke is located pretty much inside of the ghetto. Beautiful campus, phenomenal education, horrible location.

      12 years ago at 1:57 pm
    3. cleavage

      Cal is right next to Oakland, which could qualify as a war zone at some times and San Diego State is next to Tijuana which is a war zone.

      12 years ago at 2:43 pm
    4. TrickleDown

      Hah, last time I was at Duke a friend of mine was mugged and I was offered blow from multiple cab drivers. Shitty area. MIT is a shitty area too. Can’t speak on Cali

      12 years ago at 3:04 pm
    5. Bear

      Can’t predict neighborhood demographics 150-200 years in advance when deciding on where to build.

      12 years ago at 12:14 pm
  1. Plan B is Plan A

    How is Southern Cal not even on this list, let alone not #1? They’ve had like 5 students shot on or near campus in the last year alone. It’s in the middle of South Central LA for fucks sake.

    12 years ago at 1:34 pm
    1. USC_ATbrO

      It was 2 foreign grad students and that shit can happen anywhere. Especially if you’re chinese and stupid. The shooting that happened recently was due to the black student association having a party on campus and they all invited their friends from accross the freeway who weren’t students (they shot themselves). USC constantly has a shit ton of DPS (USC’s PD), LAPD, LAFD, CHP vehicles all patrolling the area. They have cameras everywhere and girls don’t get raped on campus on the regular like at UCLA.

      12 years ago at 5:46 pm
    2. PierceGregoryParks

      ^ bull shit, SC is in south central aka the ghetto. UCLA is in Westwood, it’s complete bull shit UCLA is listed as #1 and SC isn’t even listed.

      12 years ago at 12:51 am
  2. Go Green Blow White

    Surprised to see Virginia Tech didn’t make the list. Even though the shootings took place in ’07…

    12 years ago at 1:38 pm
    1. sratcitybiotch

      Terre Haute is the most ghetto shit hole i have ever been in. There was a couple dudes shot at the college bar a couple months ago. Also, it’s almost a given that when college students go home for holidays, their houses will be broken into by raging crackheads.

      12 years ago at 2:01 pm
    2. Douglas MacArthur

      Walter White doesn’t have shit on Terre Haute. Terre Haute and Gary are scary fucking places to be in Indiana.

      12 years ago at 2:31 pm
    3. hutch0607

      Terre haute is pretty shitty. When i went home for thanksgiving one year, our fraternity house got broken into….yet all they took was a safe from our presidents room that had porn in it….

      12 years ago at 11:49 am
  3. futureleader14

    I’m surprised Yale isn’t on the list. Remember those murders that took place a few years back? New Haven has never been very student-friendly. It’s weird but when you look at it, basically every elite academic school is located in a shitty town. And how is MIT on it but not Harvard? They are in the same town.

    12 years ago at 1:50 pm
  4. BROlt McCoy

    Not a surprise that you don’t see any schools that allow concealed carry on campus in any of these lists

    12 years ago at 2:17 pm