The Automatic Blow Job Machine Has Arrived And It’s Incredible

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No matter your level of sexual desperation, your life is about to get a little bit better. Get ready to receive endless robotic pleasure, thanks to the newly introduced Autoblow 2. It is the glorious result of a fundraising campaign that ended last week, which netted its producers more than $280,000 in donations to jumpstart the project.

Many of you are most likely used to your tried and true Fleshlight devices. So, what’s the difference? Well, the difference is Autoblow 2’s electronic system.

From BetaBeat:

The legendary device is called the Autoblow 2. Unlike a Fleshlight — which is operated by the movement of a user’s hand — the Autoblow 2 operates electronically. Users just have to plug it into the wall, insert themselves into the rubbery sleeve, and let the device’s beaded rings slide up and down the outside of the sleeve. It’s basically a robot blow job.

As if this invention wasn’t revolutionary enough, it is being sold as the first device built to last for years. Its designers claim that the motor is rated to last more than 500 hours, and while that may not be much for many of you, that’s a damn long time for a normal person.

According to the company’s founder, this is the first step toward a more realistic experience.

“I see a future where men own high tech masturbation appliances that are a normal part of their daily lives,” creator Brian Sloan [the guy in the video below] said in the release. “The Autoblow 2 is the first step in that direction, and a giant leap towards improving the realism of the male masturbation experience.”

To further understand how it works, watch the video.

Enjoy, deviants.

[via BetaBeat]

Image via YouTube

  1. Dthesmith

    I wanna use it in a chemistry lab, have the lab be struck by lightning, and have the lightning strike the machine and zap the chemicals and have my frock (frat cock) soak them all up. Thus becoming, The Frash (Frat Flash, because i’ll be able to finish in the speed of light, literally).

    10 years ago at 9:14 pm