The Black List
As elites, we are used to people not liking us. They don’t like us, and we don’t like them. In the spirit of this frame of mind, I’d like to present my Black List. This is a list of people who have gone above and beyond the call of duty when it comes to pissing me the fuck off. Each of them is incredibly stupid, incessantly annoying, evilly conniving, or some mutant combination of the three. You know those nights during pledgeship that still come back and haunt your nightmares? I want to haunt these people’s nightmares in similar fashion on a regular basis.
1. Glenn Beck- What? A conservative pundit? How dare I? Let’s get one thing straight. Glenn Beck is a fucking toolbox. He substitutes volume for facts and fear for rational discussion. He is a con man, and makes conservatives everywhere look bad. If we want to take back power and respect, we need our public voices to be more thoughtful and less bat-shit crazy. Also, he’s a Mormon. Which, according to my research (shit I’m making up), means that he believes midgets are baby angels, he’ll live in a castle made of bacon when he dies, and certain economic factors are evidence of the coming apocalypse. Oh wait, that last one is true.
2. Tyler Perry- Cross-dressing weirdo who is raping American pop culture. Next.
3. Skip Bayless- Skip, shut up. Just shut your mouth. We get it. You’re paid by ESPN to be “that guy.” The guy who infuriates fans with nonsensical points and bullshit arguments. If I see you in public I’m going to force you to throw a tight spiral, and when you can’t, I will show you by rocketing the football straight at your chode.
4. Anyone on reality TV- Kardashians. Ex-Playmates. Ugly lesbians in the Amazing Race. I don’t care who you are…if you have a reality show, I will never respect you as a human being. The premises of these shows have progressively gotten worse. It’s gone from “let’s put some demented people in a house and see what happens” to “let’s fill every show with pregnant teenagers, Botox drunken housewives, and lots and lots of cupcakes.” If anything signifies an upcoming apocalypse, it’s these horrific reality TV shows. But I’d still light up Kim Kardashian’s ass like Clark Griswald’s house on Christmas.
5. Osama bin Laden- check
6. Danica Patrick- Here’s the deal. I’m not a huge fan of NASCAR, but I can respect its traditions. Not only is Danica a terrible driver who gets way too much coverage simply because she’s a woman, but she’s not as attractive as some people make her out to be. She’s usually the least appealing slam in those idiotic GoDaddy commercials. I didn’t say I wouldn’t hit it, but she’s definitely overrated, as is her sport, and it’s annoying.
7. Kenny Chesney- He ruined country music. It’s a fact.
Obviously this list goes on and on, but it gets repetitive with all the liberals, stupid sports announcers, Dane Cook, and at least five guys named Keith (ever met a Keith you liked? Me either). The point is, people suck. So what do I do? I ignore the shit out of them and then laugh every time I hear someone mutter how frat guys are all pricks. It’s the way of the world. If you have people you’d like to add to the List, start a Discussion about it. I would do it myself, but I’m too busy with this whole Libya thing. Coups d’état don’t plan themselves, you know.
Been a proud member of this group since 2007…
Also, at least #5 is taken care of.
14 years ago at 11:21 amI’ve never really hated Skip Bayless. He does his job and he does it well. Lots of times there are legitimate ideas. Plus, he fucking owns everyone he argues against. That, in it’s own right, is a TFM.
14 years ago at 11:30 amI’ve literally never seen him win an argument.
14 years ago at 11:37 amI gotta say i think skip is the man. He calls everyone the fuck out, especially lebron which is amazing.
14 years ago at 11:50 amI can’t take anyone who hasn’t played college or professional sports in their lives seriously as journalist. It’s almost as bad as listening to a women commentator.
14 years ago at 11:57 am^Second. John Clayton and Ed Werder covering the NFL? One looks like he belongs in the basement looking up stats andthe other looks like someone straight outta the 70s. And Skip Bayless argues for the sake of arguing. Half of the things he says probably aren’t what he thinks.
14 years ago at 12:57 pmOn First Take he crushes Rob Parker every fucking time.
14 years ago at 11:44 pmAs for the comment about having to have played the game in order to be a commentator, do you say the same about coaches?
All Skip does is yell louder than the person he is arguing against.
14 years ago at 9:36 amSarah Palin needs to be on here as well
14 years ago at 11:33 amAnd soon after that, Michelle Bachman
14 years ago at 12:01 pmsecond
14 years ago at 12:02 pmIs that a joke? Sarah Palin is an intelligent hottie that would make any dad proud to call her their new daughter.
14 years ago at 1:16 pmdid you really just call sarah palin intelligent?
14 years ago at 1:35 pm^ Paul Revere anyone?
14 years ago at 2:22 pmYou know she was right about Paul Revere… Turn off CNN and watch FOX news sometime you liberal commie.
14 years ago at 4:21 pmOh god….did you just say she was right on Paul Revere? You make conservatives look bad. Terrible, actually.
14 years ago at 4:49 pmSarah Palin is an absolute embarrassment to any intelligent conservative. The Paul Revere comment was simply incorrect, as have been MANY of her other public statements. I agree that she’s hot and she’s got the right idea about a couple of issues, but calling her intelligent makes you sound retarded, and voting her into office is tantamount to shitting on the American political system.
14 years ago at 5:04 pmYou do realize NPR (the liberal news radio) invited a historian on to prove how dumb and wrong Sarah Palin was about Paul Revere, only to have him confirm what she said was historically accurate. So all of you that claim she is an idiot should learn your history, you stupid geeds.
14 years ago at 9:27 pmPalin vs. Obama. America loses.
14 years ago at 3:04 amPalin vs. Obama: Palin wins, she cuts taxes, cuts spending, fixes Medicare, US investment increases, US debt decreases, unemployment decreases, oh and if Iran thinks about building nukes then we blow them the fuck up. America wins. TFM
14 years ago at 8:53 amI like Palin, but not as POTUS. She’s dangerous and that is why all of the liberal geed footsoldiers we call the media are out there trailing her bus all across America. Also, she’s a ten and that is why all the Couric’s are out there trying to defame and demean her every time she opens her mouth.
14 years ago at 8:24 pmI cannot believe this is even an argument. Just because she can piece a few sentences about freedom and being a maverick does not make suitable for president. Her rendition of Paul Revere’s midnight ride is historically incorrect because:
14 years ago at 7:09 pm1. It is impossible to ring bells, reload and fire a front loading musket of the time, all while riding a horse
2. Why would we want the British to know we were going to fight back? It’s like Eisenhower saying “Hey, just letting you know, we’re storming Normandy on the 6th!”
Sarah Palin was only brought on in the McCain campaign in an attempt to get some of the Hilary supporters on the conservative side, but her obvious lack of knowledge on every topic besides being a complete moron drove Obama into the oval office. As I recall, the moderate voters didn’t want someone who didn’t know what the Bush Doctrine was to be a heartbeat away from the presidency. Seriously, how can anybody take someone with a reality show on TLC seriously? The only experience she has is being the governor of a state with virtually no people which she then quit to become a Fox News personality. She is a media whore and general embarrassment to womenkind.
14 years ago at 6:43 pmI believe Rosie O’ Donnell should be added to the list. Nothing worse than a fat big-mouthed liberal lesbian.
14 years ago at 11:34 amsecond
14 years ago at 12:22 pmFat pig more like it
14 years ago at 1:24 pmSkip Bayless is FAF…
14 years ago at 11:36 amSkip Bayless is Phi Kappa Sigma Alumni
14 years ago at 4:51 pmPhi Kappa Sigma is acctually kind of badass.
14 years ago at 5:04 pmregardless of what fraternity someone is in, Skip Bayless is an obnoxious piece of scum. The type of scum that you wouldn’t give a bid to, and make fun of anyone that did. Skip Bayless is FaP, a Fagot Ass Pussy
14 years ago at 11:10 pm^not this
14 years ago at 11:03 am^this
14 years ago at 4:28 pmRegardless of your feelings on the man, your inability to correctly spell Glenn’s first name – with it right in front of you on the magazine cover no less – reflects a lack of respect for the written word. Piss poor, Sterling.
14 years ago at 11:39 amWho really gives a fuck how you spell his name? He’s a fucking retard as are you. Go bong a bottle of bleach.
14 years ago at 12:45 pmAre you retarded or did you just forget how to read? He spells his name Glenn Beck throughout the entire article. Being an idiot, NF.
14 years ago at 12:55 pmYou fucking retard, Where do you see him spell his name wrong? Seriously go fucking hang yourself you over-opinionated GDI piece of shit that is just taking air away from people who fucking matter.
14 years ago at 2:50 pmWow, Trainer. Your lack of respect and idiocy is hilarious. Must be a TKE or Pike…
14 years ago at 7:05 pmBasically, this list is either common sense or wrong. Damn, Sterling Cooper has fucking lost it. Get out of here.
14 years ago at 11:39 amWho invited Buzz Killington?^
14 years ago at 2:14 pm^ I see what you did there.
14 years ago at 4:13 pmI’d like to also point out that Glen Beck previously leaned towards the left side while working for CNN, and completely flip flops on his stances. He is a political actor and his only interest is self-marketing.
14 years ago at 11:45 amHe was working for a branch of CNN and was pissing off liberals the entire time with very conservative remarks
14 years ago at 1:42 pm^truth Reagan, I think the guy believes what he spews…and it just adds fuel to the already HUGE fire that liberals tarnish the reputation of respectable conservatives with.
14 years ago at 3:21 pmBrunkle you’re an idiot. Beck started out as a political comedian on the radio and quickly gained a lot of supporters so CNN wanted to have the “next big news anchor” and took him on board. After that he pissed everyone off so much that FOX gave him an offer. He never leaned towards the left. Also his name is “Glenn” not “Glen.” Why is he not respectable either? I mean everyone sucked that guy’s dick when he wrote the article about honoring your heritage and Glenn Beck is saying that Americans need to retain the values that this country was founded on. Also, for you Palin haters, she actually is intelligent and could probably tear all of you (including myself) a new asshole in a debate. So what she messed up about Paul fucking Revere. Who cares? Doesn’t effect me in any way. Obama can say during his campaign though that he “had a great time visiting all 57 states” and nobody gives him shit for that. Please, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Hate on Ron Paul first.
14 years ago at 6:28 pmRascal flatts ruined country
14 years ago at 11:47 amsecond
14 years ago at 12:45 pmAbsolutely.
14 years ago at 1:08 pmThird
14 years ago at 1:28 pmFourth.
14 years ago at 2:59 pmTruth
14 years ago at 3:37 pmI right there with ya on this one, there bout gay as pike
14 years ago at 8:53 pmagree
14 years ago at 3:54 pmDoes anyone else find it strange that a gay ass boy band sings a song about “bobbing that head?” I know what they were bobbing on…
14 years ago at 5:46 pmI was losing faith in these articles, but I agree with every single syllable in this. Except Toby Keith is good.
14 years ago at 11:49 amToby Keith isn’t just good, he is a fucking badass
14 years ago at 10:05 pmIts hard for me to like someone who went to Oklahoma, but Toby Keith is a great man and does a lot for our servicemen over seas.
14 years ago at 12:15 amCourtesy of the Red, White and Blue has to be one of the most American songs I’ve ever heard.
14 years ago at 4:16 pmAmerican Solider too.^
14 years ago at 11:32 am