The Browns Are “Alarmed” By Johnny Manziel’s Off-Season Partying

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If there is one thing Johnny Manziel is known for, it’s his ability to rage better than anyone. Sure, he’s a pretty solid football player, but his partying? Man, his party skills are unfathomably amazing.

This isn’t new news. Since his days at Texas A&M, the media has put him through the ringer. His every move has been scrutinized by reporters from across the country, so why are the Browns all of a sudden “alarmed” by his behavior?


The Browns have been ‘alarmed’ by some of Johnny Manziel’s antics since the draft — especially a photo of him rolling up a $20 bill in the bathroom of a bar — and some in the organization feel he’s lost ground in the quarterback competition heading into camp, sources have told Northeast Ohio Media Group.

After the suspicious photo of Manziel tightly rolling up the bill surfaced on July 7, Browns coach Mike Pettine called Manziel from his vacation in Hawaii and addressed it, he told NEOMG on Monday. The conversation was ‘positive’ but he also planned to talk to Manziel face-to-face when he arrived for the rookie portion of camp on Wednesday.

So what if he rolled up some cash? He just wanted to enjoy his wealth from a different perspective. Big fuckin’ deal.

Team officials had bought into Manziel’s pre-draft promises to tone down the partying and leave his frat-boy lifestyle back in College Station, Texas, and they’ve been stunned by his non-stop antics, sources said.

If anything, it sounds as if the front office is jealous. Those people are jealous that they have no control over a 21-year-old who has more dough in his bank accounts than they’ll ever see.

There’s nothing wrong with having a little fun, Johnny. Ignore the old farts–the only excitement they get nowadays is catching a peek of a cheerleader’s cleavage on game days.


Image via Instagram

  1. DipStainedSperrys

    Who would have thought that frozen-wasteland of a city would get Manziel and LeBron. Cleveland will be interesting to watch this year.

    10 years ago at 11:05 am
  2. schoolboy_brew

    So they’re acting like he was a model geed in college and just started partying out of the blue one day, you can take the Stallion out of the wild but you can’t take the wild out of the Stallion, the Browns will forever be terrible hopefully they trade Johnny Football to a decent organization

    10 years ago at 11:10 am
  3. USArmy

    His off-the-field behavior shouldn’t surprise anyone. The Patriots knew about his problems, both on and off the field. They felt his maturity wasn’t up to the level they wanted in a quarterback. In March, the Browns admitted to not inviewing him at the combine. Yesterday, the owner is hoping…HOPING…Manziel learns like Lebron and Jeter. He isn’t directing Manziel to calm down his lifestyle. I agree that he is young and he will party. Everyone does at that age, see Joe Namath. But Joe Namanth didn’t have a smartphone and neither did his friends. All anyone is asking Manziel to do is have some self awareness.

    10 years ago at 1:09 pm
  4. GreatLakesFratMove

    Yes I’m a Johnny fan. He fucks hot sloots, Drinks like a fish, etc. However when he is getting payed what he is payed he needs to find a better balance of work and play. You don’t see any of the established premiere QB’s in the NFL partying every weekend and rolling up 20’s in a Vegas bathroom. They are working out, studying fill, and getting ready for a job they get payed handsomely for. I’m afraid to see what happens this season to Johnny. That is if he even gets a start. Being a rookie in the NFL is hard enough. Going around the world every weekend isn’t making it any easier.

    10 years ago at 3:48 pm