The Delta Gamma ‘Cunt Punt’ Chick And The Male Response
Little Miss Cunt Punt is the hottest thing tearing through the internet today. Thoughts and prayers go out to the sorority sister who leaked this beautifully crafted piece, and may Cunt Punt never find out who you are because she will literally kill you. Many observations, aside from the email distributor’s impending demise, have been made about this already legendary email tirade, but there is one thing that absolutely everyone seems to agree on: this chick is fucking crazy.
Her photo was released soon after the email went viral, and then a new observation was made by everyone…well, by every male: this fucking crazy chick is really hot.

Lots of dudes out there today really hoping to get cunt-punted.
My motion still stands.
12 years ago at 4:00 pmLook at those curves…..and I’ll bet she rides on top like a champ.
12 years ago at 4:02 pmShe’s the female Ari Gold.
12 years ago at 4:03 pmI’d let her throw hot coffee all over my penis.
12 years ago at 4:05 pm^TMcDonald’sM
12 years ago at 1:19 pmI’d find a way to put my penis inside myself just to have her spit on me.
12 years ago at 4:06 pmShe needs to be one of the TFM sweethearts
12 years ago at 4:08 pmIf she yelled at me like that it would only be the 5th time I was crying and hard at the same time, but this would by far be the most memorable.
12 years ago at 4:09 pmThe 2nd was when lil Sebastian passed away
12 years ago at 10:28 pmDG is just not attractive at Maryland…
12 years ago at 4:10 pmwould still pee in that butt
12 years ago at 3:32 amHoly fuck I’m in love
12 years ago at 4:32 pmI would tongue punch her in the fart hole.
12 years ago at 4:35 pm