The Economist Tells Us Which Cities Are Most Conservative And Most Liberal

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Top 10 Most Conservative:

10. Aurora, CO
9. Tulsa, OK
8. Omaha, NE
7. Anaheim, CA
6. Arlington, TX
5. Jacksonville, FL
4. Colorado Springs, CO
3. Virginia Beach, VA
2. Oklahoma City, OK
1. Mesa, AZ

Top 10 Most Liberal:

10. Baltimore, MD
9. Buffalo, NY
8. New York, NY
7. Detroit, MI
6. Minneapolis, MN
5. Boston, MA
4. Oakland, CA
3. Seattle, WA
2. Washington, DC
1. San Francisco, CA

I was fully expecting Austin, home to TFM Headquarters, to land squarely in the top 10 of the most liberal cities. We come in at 14. We’ll call it a win. San Francisco at number one shouldn’t surprise anyone. Seattle, Boston, and New York definitely belong, as well. Detroit surprises me, however. That’s a lunch pail town, or at least it used to be.

The chart from The Economist is below. It only includes cities with a population of at least 250,000. Find your city and begin arguing.

The data come from a study appearing this month in the American Political Science Review by Chris Warshaw of MIT and Chris Tausanovitch from the University of California at Los Angeles. They brought together seven large-scale surveys that accounted for more than 275,000 people.


[via The Economist]

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  1. Jdub

    Colorado: where we can pass a marijuana bill and still be considered a conservative state. Colorado springs is definitely hard core conservative though.

    10 years ago at 3:56 pm
  2. BillyQuantrill

    Now let’s look at the cities with the highest crime rates, poverty rates, and income disparities, and compare it with this list. I’m sure the progressive left won’t mind acknowledging the obvious parallels… assholes.

    10 years ago at 3:57 pm
    1. inhocFaF

      Ya, because places like Boston, Buffalo, Manhattan, Seattle and San Fran are all dangerous.

      10 years ago at 6:55 pm
      1. Uncle Sam hates GDIs

        I cant tell if you’re being sarcastic or if you’re just literally retarded.
        10. Baltimore, MD- Where The Wire was set, ghetto as fuck. Dangerous
        9. Buffalo, NY- Some of the highest Auto crime in the country
        8. New York, NY- Ever heard of Harlem? The Bronx? Queens?
        7. Detroit, MI- Duh
        6. Minneapolis, MN- Full of blacks
        5. Boston, MA- Irish and blacks
        4. Oakland, CA- Raiders fans are fucking insane
        3. Seattle, WA- this one surprises me, but i’d go on killing sprees from all the rain too
        2. Washington, DC- Gun bans and crack problems, of course there is murder here
        1. San Francisco, CA- Butthole bandits run rampant

        10 years ago at 9:40 am
      2. ProudPhi2042

        In Boston you put Irish people as a reason it is one of the most dangerous cities in the country? Let me guess, you watching Boondock Saints and made the leap to Irish people all being like that. You must not get out much, man.

        10 years ago at 10:47 am
      3. Uncle Sam hates GDIs

        just a joke there champ, nothing like a good old fashion irish hating joke. This country was built on the hatred of the irish (and the buildings were built by the irish)

        10 years ago at 11:06 am
      4. inhocFaF

        I’m not sure if you’re underprivileged and thus retarded, or an inbred and thus retarded. Harlem was bad in the 70s and isn’t even what I would consider unsafe. The Bronx blows as does most of Brooklyn, but you’re an idiot if you think Queens isnt safe. Guarantee most of Queens is wealthier than you, boy.

        San Fran is far from a bad neighborhood, I’m not even going to debate that. Same goes for Seattle, we rip on them for being hipster and ultra liberal, but the reality is that its filled with young adults, successful startups and a high standard of living.
        As for Buffalo, car thefts are the least of my worries when you’re comparing it to the likes of DC, Oakland, Detroit, Baltimore, etc.

        In terms of Boston, I understand that as the City of Boston, and not the Boston Metropolitan area, which has some dumps. The City of Boston is extremely safe, spotless, and very modern. I’ll walk on those streets at 4am before I consider doing that in dozens of other cities.

        10 years ago at 1:42 pm
      5. BillyQuantrill

        San Fran and Seattle have some of the highest violent crime, poverty, and income disparity rates in the country. What the literal fuck are you talking about? Feel free to walk around Union Square in SF after dark and roll those dice. Then again, you’re an internet tough guy, so you’ll be just fine.

        Get your facts straight before running your mouth next time. Or shit an knife and bleed out. I could care less.

        10 years ago at 5:30 pm
    2. Ulysses S. Frat

      Maybe because liberals try to help these people? We can’t all be rich and worry free.

      10 years ago at 7:11 pm
      1. Fratmiral Nelson

        try… and fail. repeatedly. and then ask for more tax money to double down on failed programs.

        10 years ago at 3:08 am
      2. BillyQuantrill

        Robbing Peter to pay Paul is hardly “help”.

        It’s a well-known fact that despite earning 2-3% less than liberals, conservatives give over 30% more of their time and treasure to those in need.

        Now go back to your Occupy Camp.

        10 years ago at 7:42 am
  3. TrustMeImPre_Med

    How does Detroit being liberal not make sense? Northern blue collar workers, which is pretty much everyone in Detroit, are some of the most ardent liberals. Its all about the unions. Get your head out of your ass.

    10 years ago at 4:08 pm
      1. TrustMeImPre_Med

        I’m just pointing out a well known fact…you usually don’t have a clue about the things you write about.

        10 years ago at 8:54 pm
  4. JeepGuy

    Quite surprised the granola eaters of Madison, WI couldn’t make an appearance on here.

    10 years ago at 4:13 pm
    1. brovind

      Ha Madison definitely would. But I believe its population is just shy of 250k which is required for the study

      10 years ago at 4:57 pm
  5. Fratmiral Nelson

    The greatest trick the midwest ever pulled was to convince their homeless and socialists to move to Seattle.

    10 years ago at 5:24 pm
  6. Laxbrochill

    How the hell did Chicago not come in the top 10 liberal? Barry’s home and former chief of staff running the city. Place fucking blows

    10 years ago at 8:48 pm
  7. beerbong_in_my_pants

    Anaheim genuinely surprised me. I always thought liberals would be more apt to live in la la land as it coincided with their political views.

    10 years ago at 10:41 pm
  8. RoyTinCup

    This list doesn’t include counties near Atlanta for obvious reasons but conservatives heavily out weigh liberals in Cobb for example, which has nearly 700,000 residents when the actual City of Atlanta has about 400,000.

    10 years ago at 10:54 pm