The Economist Tells Us Which Cities Are Most Conservative And Most Liberal

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Top 10 Most Conservative:

10. Aurora, CO
9. Tulsa, OK
8. Omaha, NE
7. Anaheim, CA
6. Arlington, TX
5. Jacksonville, FL
4. Colorado Springs, CO
3. Virginia Beach, VA
2. Oklahoma City, OK
1. Mesa, AZ

Top 10 Most Liberal:

10. Baltimore, MD
9. Buffalo, NY
8. New York, NY
7. Detroit, MI
6. Minneapolis, MN
5. Boston, MA
4. Oakland, CA
3. Seattle, WA
2. Washington, DC
1. San Francisco, CA

I was fully expecting Austin, home to TFM Headquarters, to land squarely in the top 10 of the most liberal cities. We come in at 14. We’ll call it a win. San Francisco at number one shouldn’t surprise anyone. Seattle, Boston, and New York definitely belong, as well. Detroit surprises me, however. That’s a lunch pail town, or at least it used to be.

The chart from The Economist is below. It only includes cities with a population of at least 250,000. Find your city and begin arguing.

The data come from a study appearing this month in the American Political Science Review by Chris Warshaw of MIT and Chris Tausanovitch from the University of California at Los Angeles. They brought together seven large-scale surveys that accounted for more than 275,000 people.


[via The Economist]

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  1. Fratagonia6969

    The most liberal city in your state making #9 list and being behind the only other city in your state with a 250+ population, which is #2.TFM.

    10 years ago at 2:26 pm