The End of Internet Privacy

There is a new threat to privacy on the Internet. It’s called CIPSA and it completely sucks balls. If you haven’t already heard about it, CIPSA stands for Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act. It will give the military broad new powers to spy on the civilian Internet and share information about you with corporations and government agencies. The bill passed in the House last week and will be on the Senate floor in the weeks to come. CIPSA is a big Fuck You to Freedom, which inclines me to incite rebellion. The military’s only purpose is to destroy shitty people in shitty places that threaten my freedom to say “Fuck You”. They shouldn’t be spying on me. My webcam light just turned on… and I happen to be naked right now… Oh well… Fuck it.

There is a lot of concern that the bill’s terms are too broad, especially a provision that defines “cyber threat intelligence” as “information… pertaining to the protection of a system or network from… theft or misappropriation of private or government information, intellectual property, or personal information.”

What the fuck does that even mean? That is the most vague piece of legalese bullshit I’ve ever read. Ever since civil rights were sodomized by the “Patriot” Act, there has been a growing trend in the U.S. government. They draft bills that are specifically designed to be ambiguous and difficult to understand. Then they rush it through Congress like Paris Hilton on tour in a dick factory. The representative’s just vote for whatever the slutty lobbyists can suck out of them. Most vote for shit without actually reading the bill and understanding what the implications are for freedom and society.

That’s how lawmakers skull fuck our liberties. They use vague terms that can be construed in a thousand different ways. They get away with it because they assume that you, the good citizenry of the greatest nation on Earth, are really fucking stupid. For the most part they are right. Americans don’t know or care about real politics. “Politics” in America is just a daytime TV puppet show about an Elephant and a Donkey who never seem to agree on anything. Most don’t realize that it’s the same sketchy puppeteer shoving his hands up both parties’ buttholes. Americans are generally blind to what is actually going on in the world. We are more concerned with what famous football player got traded to what team and which celebrity whore has gobbled up the most nut.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation believes that terms in the bill are “so broad it could be used as a blunt instrument to attack websites like The Pirate Bay or WikiLeaks.”

Now I don’t know about you, but I like WikiLeaks. I like to know that my government can’t completely operate in the shadows. Julian Assange has been under arrest for more than 500 days without charges. That’s fucking insane. Julian Assange gives private information on corporations to you for free and he’s a villain. Mark Zuckerberg gives your private information to corporations for money and he’s Man of the Year. Our entire cultural perspective on politics is like a kindergartener grappling with quantum mechanics. Evil empires and corporations all around the world are terrified that the people might one day see the light of truth that WikiLeaks exposes. They are using bullshit sound bytes like “cyber security threats” to justify direct censorship of the Internet and military surveillance of all citizens online.

I also like The Pirate Bay, mainly because of free music and movies. Fuck the MPAA and RIAA, for real. Your entire industry is obsolete, please leave the Internet alone. You’ll have to skim your billions off the top elsewhere, you soul sucking dick weasels.

SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) was killed in Congress following the largest online protest in history on Jan 18th 2012. This was due to a massive Internet “black out”. Google and Wikipedia blacked out their sites and millions of websites went down. However, CIPSA doesn’t have the same kind of opposition from Silicon Valley that SOPA had. Internet giants like Google and Facebook actually support it. This makes it imminently more dangerous. That means that the government and Silicon Valley are in collusion. It’s a big circle jerk and Internet privacy is the biscuit.

The Internet allows for democracy to really work for the first time ever. It has never before been easier to access information and share it with other people. Emailing your congressmen and signing petitions against the government is as simple as checking your email and clicking a link. As insignificant peasants, the Internet gives us power in numbers. Civil participation in our democracy has gone viral. We stopped SOPA and PIPA, but if we do not act now to stop CIPSA, we may lose one of the most valuable tools human beings have ever created. I don’t need the NSA to have a file on me filled with Weapons of Ass Destruction, Starshit Poopers, and How Stella Got Her Tube Packed.

Don’t let them scare you. Don’t get caught up in the modern McCarthyism of “terrorism” and “cyber security”. Freedom is not something that comes easily. It must be fought for and earned. Our soldiers have shed blood to defend freedom for hundreds of years. But now, the war has gone online. It is a war to determine what information we can and cannot have access to. It is a war for your identity… and it’s time to fight.

Get involved. It’s so easy a caveman could not do it, mainly because the Internet would blow his puny Cro-Magnon mind. You’re a moron if you’re not concerned about this and you suck as a citizen if you can’t even click “Send” to tell your congressmen how you feel about how fucked up our government is.

Follow what’s going on from the front lines at,,, and Also make sure to follow @YourAnonNews for up to the minute Anonymous updates.

Sign the petitions, email your congressmen, make the message viral on Facebook and use #FuckCIPSA on Twitter.

Do it you useless bastards.

Follow me on Twitter @RageTheory

  1. ItsCalledFraternity

    If the government can see what we are looking at then sites can get blocked. The government will own the sites to regulate them. If the owner doesn’t agree to this the sites will be shut down. No more Asian ass porn…

    12 years ago at 3:36 pm
  2. Jon M Fratsman

    Well, moderation is gay, so here we go one section at a time:

    What the hell is this? Where do you even come up with these opinions, man? Have you even read any of the law?

    Half of this article is literally just I-heard, he-said-she-said bullshit. Believe it or not, the government really doesn’t care about your porn watching habits. I wasn’t for SOPA, but the explicitly stated point of CISPA (fucking CISPA, you misspelled the damn law like 12 times) is to protect our government’s computer networks from nefarious little hacker fucks like the Chinese, and the Russians, and your good buddies in Anonymous. That sounds pretty good to me, because I don’t like the idea of other countries or entities being able to compromise our ability to keep Americans safe. If you don’t understand that cyber terrorism is a real threat, that’s too fucking bad, but I’m damn glad you’re not the one in office making those calls.

    12 years ago at 3:57 pm
    1. Jon M Fratsman

      Secondly, and this is how I know you haven’t actually read it, the “cyber threat intelligence” data is to be given only to those in possession of certified US Government security clearances and shared only consistent with the need to
protect the national security of the United States. I have a few relatives with these types of clearances, and I can assure you that they are checked and vetted every single year. And by the way, Julian Assange has been charged in an international court of law with sexual assault. Last time I heard, that was still a crime.

      12 years ago at 3:58 pm
    2. Jon M Fratsman

      I wish I could say that was the end of your assault on rationality, but it gets worse. The entertainment industry is obsolete? Really, champ.
 A collective six hundred billion dollar industry accounting for a sizable portion of our national GDP can be dismissed just like that, huh? And how about your sweet downloads? You know that when you steal media content, you’re not just stealing from the big, bad labels and studios, right? You’re stealing directly from the artists making that content, someone’s original intellectual property – the fruits of their labor. Because I 100% guarantee that if the labels aren’t getting paid, the artists sure as hell aren’t.

      12 years ago at 4:02 pm
    3. Jon M Fratsman

      I don’t know about you, but the values by which I was raised taught me to believe that depriving someone of an honest living is the worst kind of wrong. Our country’s soldiers don’t give their lives to defend your freedom to avoid paying a dollar twenty-nine for a song on iTunes. That’s not capitalism…and it sure isn’t American.

      12 years ago at 4:04 pm
    4. BROldmanSachs

      You are a fucking idiot. You have literally zero knowledge of the purpose of Anonymous if you consider them “hacker fucks” that require civilian surveillance (CISPA) to “protect our government’s computer networks”. They exist essentially to block the government from passing legislation like this that encroaches on the American ideal, not throw a wrench in the system. Of course there ARE hacker fucks within that community, but they clearly do not understand what they are doing. “Some men just want to watch the world burn.”

      12 years ago at 4:25 pm
    5. Jon M Fratsman

      ^^ It doesn’t encroach on anything. If you’re not breaking the law, you have nothing to be afraid of. I do in fact know what Anonymous is, and while transparency is a desirable attribute (and one that I’m not opposed to), for the love of God please explain to me how attempting to hack the websites of Amazon, Visa, Mastercard, and Paypal is doing anything to make this world a better place.

      12 years ago at 5:45 pm
    6. Bronan the Barbarian

      “If you’re not breaking the law, you have nothing to be afraid of,” is the motto of every fascist regime and police state to mar the face of this planet. Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither.

      12 years ago at 12:19 pm
    7. brostock

      I feel like Fratsman is making some good points. I haven’t read the law, but it seems highly dubious to me that the government gives a fuck what I’m looking at or (as Fratting claimed on my earlier comment) would share that information with future potential employers.

      12 years ago at 7:32 pm
  3. USS Hazer

    This kid is a piece of shit if he likes Wikileaks. Jullian Assauge put US soldiers in harm’s way and deserves to die. Also, you can just shut off your facebook whenever you want jackass.

    12 years ago at 6:11 pm
  4. nobama12557

    FUCK JULIAN ASSANGE. American soldiers lost their lives thanks to his idiotic snitching of military intel. I hope he stays in prison for the rest of his life.

    12 years ago at 6:15 pm
  5. Bromansik

    Even though I can agree with the content, there is an extremely liberal tone embedded in this. “Follow what’s going on from the front lines.” what is this, Kony

    12 years ago at 6:33 pm
  6. the mauve avenger

    If you think your activity wasn’t being monitored already, go fuck yourself.

    12 years ago at 7:35 pm
  7. TauPhiDelta1897

    Reading all these comments makes me realize there are more naive, let’s not think out of the box, follow what corrupt companies tell us, douche fucks than one would assume of the Greek Population.

    12 years ago at 9:32 am