The ESPN SportsCenter Drinking Game

For many of us, summer means a temporary separation from the fraternity lifestyle that we hold so dearly. Sure there are hometown bars to vanquish, and old high school slams to rekindle genitalia with, but some nights you just aren’t going to have shit to do. Without the convenience of pledge rides available at your every inebriated whim, going out every night is just not a possibility.

Fear not, for as you sit bored on the couch with a few hometown friends, you can make any hour of the day just a little bit more exciting with the SportsCenter drinking game. Sportscenter plays on ESPN a solid 18 of the 24 hour in a day, so odds are you’ll be able to play this literally whenever your little 80-proof heart desires.

Take a drink if…

-Lebron James’ 4th Quarter performance is mentioned
-Something extremely vulgar and disgusting from the Sandusky trial shows up on the ticker
-A hot blonde is hosting
-The “#1 Top Play” isn’t as cool as #2
-Rachel Nichols sounds constipated
-They show Peyton Manning at practice
-Anyone says the word “controversy”
-They show Andrew Luck with a dumb smile on his face

Chug your drink if…

-More than four diving pop-fly catches end up in the Top 10 Plays.
-A pro-athlete’s Tweets are shown on the air
-An Athlete got arrested that day
-A ridiculously over-inflated baseball contract got signed that day
-Soccer gets covered for more than four straight minutes
-They show an inspirational sports story involving sick or dying children

Take a shot if…

-They discuss if a new golfer is the “Next Tiger Woods”
-A “pros-and-cons of the BCS” argument erupts
-ESPN uses an obscure statistic to prove a point (ie: 3rd Quarter field goal percentage while shoes are untied)
-Tebow and Sanchez’ off the field relationship is mentioned
-Tebow’s romantic relationships are mentioned

Empty your entire liquor cabinet if…

-You see John Clayton’s ponytail
-Stephen A. Smith and Skip Bayless agree
-Rachel Nichols gets braces
-Tebow’s romantic relationship with Mark Sanchez is mentioned

  1. SC_Proper

    Chug your drink every time they have to act like they care about the X-Games.
    Take a shot every time they call a team “a Cinderella Story”
    Chug your drink every time someone mentions James Harden’s beard.

    Enjoy your liver failure happily.

    12 years ago at 1:58 pm
    1. Riverboat Gambler

      I hate that fucker too. Kisses major ass to the Big 10 and hates my school. Fun drinking game, though.

      12 years ago at 3:16 pm
  2. Tits or GTFO

    Drink every time they talk about Bryce Harper or Tim Tebow and that’s all you need to get wasted.

    12 years ago at 5:12 pm
    1. Frat So Hard U

      those blondes are so overrated. Except for Erin Andrews and Wendy Nix. I mean Sara Walsh, Michelle Beadle? come on

      12 years ago at 8:28 pm
    2. BigBamaRob

      I would pay good money to watch a 24 hour loop of Erin Andrews she should get her on TV show

      12 years ago at 10:57 pm
    3. Tallapoosa Snu

      ^thank you. czarniak is fuckin fine. and whoever that was up there that said Wendy Nix is hotter than Sara Walsh you’re a fucking queer.

      12 years ago at 4:48 pm
  3. FratProphet93

    Take a drink every time a headline about the Heat includes a pun relating to temperature

    12 years ago at 12:21 am
  4. High Country Fratter

    Slam a bottle everytime those dumbfucks say Lebron is better than Durant.

    12 years ago at 11:24 am