The Great Marijuana Debate

Many bold questions have been asked over the course of our nation’s history. How many nukes should we drop on Japan? Can we allow pretend entertainment wrestlers to run for office? Do we need to build a wall on the Mexican border? Some of these questions have spawned arguments that resulted in clear and decisive resolutions, while others go unresolved. There is one great question that still remains unsettled, burning strong like the very plant that causes this quarrel. Is smoking weed frat?

The argument normally starts with a generic comment about hippies being smelly, then someone makes an educated comment about the history of marijuana prohibition (fucking stoner), and then someone ends it with a statement about Ron Paul and the legalization of drugs in America. It puzzles me how much time people spend arguing over this topic, and how often the argument takes place. If you are such a proud dope smoker then why the hell are you involved in this feud in the first place? Shouldn’t you be stoned out of your mind watching “Fern Gully” backwards or something? The last thing I want to do when I’m high is argue with strangers on the web, or anyone for that matter. You could walk into my living room and say, “Barack Obama has dramatically improved the fiscal responsibility of our country” and I would say, “Yeah man whatever…move…I’m watching a documentary on sea turtles.” That’s why I don’t smoke often. It makes me not give a fuck about anything but Netflix, which is why I am blown away by how many stoners take to the internet to argue about the acceptability and legalization of their precious leaf toking hobby.

Participants on the other side of this argument are equally confusing, because they are actually wasting their time online arguing that it’s not “cool” to get stoned. You know what’s not cool? Arguing online about what’s cool. Knock it off, losers. You can’t call a fucking plant “frat” or “not frat.” There are people who use weed regularly and are totally normal functioning members of society. There are also complete losers who use weed regularly and don’t move from their couches or have jobs as a result. It’s about personal responsibility, not the plant. Hemp used to be a huge crop that helped support America. George Washington probably used hemp rope to tie down his first slampiece to do whatever-the-fuck was kinky back in 1776. And to be realistic, if we legalized the devil’s lettuce we could tax it into oblivion. This would not only help our country recover from the recession, but also force hippies to shut the fuck up about legalization and pay the government to do their hippy things. All of that sounds pretty fucking good to me. That being said, if you smoke weed all day and don’t contribute to society, then your existence as a power-toking scuddlefuck is definitely not frat (i.e. not cool, you’re a douche). Just like drinking, dipping, snorting lines, or railing bitches, it shouldn’t be a defining part of your personality, or keep you from being a productive human being. Would you tell anyone how much dip you dip, how much coke you snort, or how much booze you drink to sound cooler? If you answered “yes” then you are a probably a clown with very few actual friends. No one thinks you’re a fucking badass because you do things in excess. We all do. Talking about it just makes you a fucking try-hard, so drop the dog and pony show.

Is weed F or NF? I guess the answer is simply “both.” Like dressing in an overly preppy manner can scream “I WANT YOU TO THINK I’M WEALTHY WHEN I’M NOT” or cocaine can be fried up with some baking soda into crack rock, it is possible to make something completely harmless into something totally horrible.

    1. ImBarneyStinson

      The sea turtles on Finding Nemo smoked weed, so that means weed is most certainly FaF.

      13 years ago at 5:11 pm
  1. proudtobeaDSP

    I can’t think of a good reason to keep weed illegal. Legalization would just separate the dumb junkies from civilized people. It’s already easy enough to get. It would also be more of a win for non-smokers because it gets the hippies to stop bitching about the subject and it’s going to make the drug more expensive anyways.

    13 years ago at 5:09 pm
  2. Lynchem

    Weed wouldnt come to close to helping our economy we spend $1.2 trillion than we make. Weed would barely bring in $1billion you idiot

    13 years ago at 5:12 pm
  3. phislampiece

    Most frat guys smoke weed every once in a while. I’d say it’s pretty FAF. It’s as prevalent as cocaine (if not more). Those who call it NF need to face reality, because I’m sure more than one of their brothers has lit a joint at each party.

    13 years ago at 5:23 pm
  4. KAvu

    A very well written article and a tip of my hat to you Dipper. Both answers of F and NF are correct. You can safely say that the US economy changed after 9/11. Because we have been fighting “The War on Terror” for the past Decade plus. The US has roughly 30 Bases around the World. Also the US has been spending tax payer money on useless government structures like the Old Post Office in Chicago, Illinois. Its cost the Federal Government 2 million a year for the vacant building to be kept up. That’s 2 million a year since 1998. Not to mention that we still owe China a lot of money. I myself have been arrested for paraphernalia and small amount of marijuana by the 2 School detectives. At my College we’ve had a murder in the dorms and a student that was enrolled had connections to Al Qaeda through his uncle would was like number 3 or 4. But they arrested me for a bowl of weed and a glass pipe. Someone tell me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure Detectives get paid more than regular Officers and since USA is a State School it’s on the Tax payer dollar for one to drive me down to Mobile Metro which is 40 miles round trip to metro and back to campus. I DON’T want to sound like a whinny Liberal by saying “My Civil right were violated.” But really they were and the cops knew it to. They both knew what fraternity I was affiliated with and they were asking questions about one of our brothers.(Actually my pledge trainer) I Could still bring a lawsuit to the University because our RA for KA former president was doing his RA Training for the University and during this training they actually used my confiscated weed to burn to show what Marijuana smells like to every Greek RA (Both Fraternities and Sororities) and GDI RA’s. But I got the charges dropped because they didn’t read me my rights. Thank you Detective Fisher.

    13 years ago at 6:19 pm
    1. KAvu

      Just got my script in if any misspellings and bad grammar they Congratulations the world needs more English teachers.

      13 years ago at 6:22 pm
    2. FrattHollidaySTL

      We all appreciate your effort, but something this long is simply not going to get read.

      13 years ago at 6:22 pm
    3. better_than_you

      ^I’ll sum it up for you….blah blah blah, i took a Constitutional Law class and think im a lawyer blah blah blah, when i get caught with drugs, the police should be doing their jobs somewhere else blah blah blah.

      13 years ago at 6:35 pm
    4. KAvu

      Yeah I’ve taken more than a Constitutional Law class. I’m graduating after this semester with a Bachelors in Poly Sci. I might not be a lawyer but I bet I’m closer to being than you.

      13 years ago at 7:06 pm
  5. Old Joe

    Bong hit = hangover stabilizer. Legalization = smart. Dispensaries and grow operations = jobs. Production of legal devices, growing technology, and investment opportunities… seems pretty legit to me. I don’t know about you guys but I’m a lot more fucking useless when I’m hungover than when I take a hit of weed and go to class.

    13 years ago at 6:35 pm
  6. Liberal Fratstar

    “There are people who use weed regularly and are totally normal functioning members of society. There are also complete losers who use weed regularly and don’t move from their couches or have jobs as a result.”

    Same basic idea with alcohol, so people need to get the fuck over it.

    13 years ago at 6:43 pm
    1. Keep Fay Town fratty

      Liberal fratstar you know that almost everyone on this website is conservative right? Im not disagreeing with your comment, but having the name “liberal fratstar” is extremely contradictory since most of us are leaders of tomorrow who dont look for handouts.

      13 years ago at 12:11 am
    2. FratasticMrOX

      There are leaders of tomorrow who are liberals. As an independent I can see how the logic of both trains of thought. Conservatives view liberals as dirty hippies looking for handouts; and liberals view conservatives as red neck trailer trash. The reality is that both parties have a distorted view of each other. Anyway, what I’m trying to say is, legalize prostitution.

      13 years ago at 7:23 pm
    3. Keep Fay Town fratty

      Agreed, but by saying he’s a “LiberalFratstar”, he probably is in favor of most liberal policies with more government regulation. Anyone that is anti business is extremely NF.

      13 years ago at 8:42 pm