The Grillmaster always pulls.

    1. MalcolmSex

      Out of all that you could have gotten from this picture, you manage to notice a cell phone.

      8 years ago at 2:56 pm
  1. LongDong Mcgavin

    Is that a beer in your apron or are you just happy to be in the picture?

    8 years ago at 7:55 pm
  2. JohnFratzgereldKennedy

    Old Glory isn’t an accessory, don’t use the flag men died for to cover yourself.

    8 years ago at 11:25 pm
  3. Cjthet

    Gay bff & that dude who texts you “wassup bruh” daily. These clowns are SO fucking deep in the friend zone.

    8 years ago at 4:14 pm
    1. Sperry Seinfeld

      This stupid fuck has been the last photo posted for an eternity. The shitty Chive site manages to post 500 new pictures a day, get your shit together TFM.

      8 years ago at 2:00 pm
  4. FrattingHard_est1855

    I’m not sure why but, I would really love to punch this young man directly in his face

    8 years ago at 11:42 am
  5. KingoftheChill

    Seeing this photo every day for a week has made me go from overlooking it, to just hating this kid’s dopey ass smile

    8 years ago at 6:09 pm