The Hilarious Story Of How A Bottle Of Bourbon Got Bill Goldberg To Play For UGA


Wrestling was huge when we were growing up. Well, at least it was for me. So many memories. So many trips to the hospital–those couch cushions can only help you out so much. Anyway, one of my heroes back in those days was Goldberg. Bill Goldberg, to be precise. In his prime, in the days of WCW, Goldberg dazzled audiences with his in-ring antics. He’d beat the shit out of his opponent, then do a backflip on top of him just to make sure he knew it. Goldberg was just that kind of guy.

Before Goldberg’s days of wrestling fame, he had a stint as a football player. He played in the NFL, as well as in the CFL. Before all of that, Goldberg got his start as a defensive tackle for the University of Georgia. Here’s how he ended up there.

Via the Atlanta Journal-Constitution:

“(My uncle) was best friends with Bear Bryant, and Bear Bryant passed way,” Goldberg said. “My uncle asked me if I had any interest in going to Georgia because he thought very highly of a guy named Vince Dooley. Since they were the Junkyard Dogs (and) known for defense, it sort of played into my mentality. It was red and black. It was kind of a violent style of football.

“I gave it a shot … Again, what solidified my trip was a bottle of Wild Turkey that was handed to me as I was standing on top of a bar during my recruiting trip. You know, I had a great time at Georgia, great memories. It will always be that one thing in my life that I’ll want to re-enact again.”

A scholarship to one of the most fun schools in the country wasn’t enough to get Goldberg to commit, but the Kickin’ Chicken got him? Everyone has a price, I guess.

Try to picture it: Bill Goldberg, a massive man, standing on top of a bar ripping shots out of what I’d like to think was a handle of Wild Turkey 101. That was the one thing that, according to him, “solidified” his choice. Solid recruiting, Georgia.

[via Deadspin]

  1. GOPFrock

    My mom dated this guy while he was in the NFL. She told me that he was just a typical nice Jewish man before the roids

    10 years ago at 7:07 pm