The Ichiro Hits Record Debate Is Everything Wrong With Journalism

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Wednesday afternoon, in front of about 20,000 people at PetCo Park, Ichiro Suzuki passed Pete Rose for most career hits in professional baseball. His totals, 1,278 hits for the Orix Buffaloes of Japan and 2,979 for three teams in the majors, surpassed Rose’s 4,256 for one team in one league. As ESPN and friends liberally applied lotion to their nether regions, and fans on both sides did their best impression of Brett Favre clapping for Caitlyn Jenner, Suzuki did what he always does. He finished out the game, ensured the media got an honest but humble statement, and went home to his wife. Even as newsrooms across the country (except Cincinnati) released social media polls and jizzed in their collective pants, the truth was clear to everyone paying attention; the only people that care are the ones in a broadcast booth.

Now, Ichiro is a hell of a player. Even Charlie Hustle has called his career “Hall of Fame caliber” in an interview regarding the hits record. When Pete Rose, one of the most famous bad boys in baseball history, is calling you bound for Cooperstown, then chances are you have game. Ichiro is also a hell of a guy. A man playing as long as he has with nothing but love and respect for the game is beautiful. If you hate him for what this “record” has become you’re an asshole.

That would be like kicking a puppy bound for the Barking and Belly Rubs Hall of Fame because he actually did some of his barking in Germany. Still, you’re going to be hearing about it for a few weeks, because that’s the world we live in.

When news breaks in San Diego, those hounds in Bristol and New York are all over it in a matter of seconds. Social media, something that was once graced by legends like Will Hill (seriously, how the fuck DOES a baby break his arm?) has become the worst thing that ever happened to journalism. It’s why people are still willingly getting slapped in the face with deflated balls — the stupidest “scandal” to ever come out of professional sports — and why you get a notification when Steph grabs a Baconator on the way home from practice. It’s not because the athletes particularly give a shit, it’s because the second you throw a piece of meat into the pack of wild dogs that is the Internet you’re going to have ravenous people making mountains out of molehills.

The whole situation is common sense. Ichiro isn’t the hits leader, just like Sadaharu Oh isn’t the all-time home runs leader. They know it, we know it, and when you get past the ad-space and the ratings the people reporting know it. However, when you factor idiots into the great social equation, you’re left with stuff like this…

Or this…

Or my personal favorite…

It’s time to just enjoy the games, and it’s really time to stop letting glorified armchair quarterbacks take away from your ability to do so. I say good for you, Ichiro, and best of luck getting to 3,000.

Image via Youtube

  1. The_Names_Doug_Dimmadome

    This incoherent, rambling of an article is everything wrong with journalism.

    9 years ago at 7:19 pm
  2. JohnStamos

    It shouldn’t count. This is the MLB’s never ending push to erase Rose out of the history books. Ichiro is first ballot, but his record shouldn’t break Rose’s

    9 years ago at 7:20 pm
  3. Hoosier Fucking Daddy

    Great article but should point out Rose played for the Phillies too.

    9 years ago at 7:28 pm
  4. The_Flying_Dutchman

    Funny how in an article where you headline it with what’s “wrong with journalism” you get a well known fact wrong in the first paragraph.

    Pete Rose didn’t “play for one team in one league”. Pete Rose, although a lifetime Red, had a stint with the Phillies. Anyone with even a sliver of baseball knowledge knows that.

    That being said. Pete is the Hit King. Ichiro’s Japan hits don’t count and they never will.


    9 years ago at 7:30 pm
    1. 1_Rugey_Jentelman

      Besides, this plays directly into “what’s wrong with journalism.” Why the fuck would you contribute to a conversation you claim should be irrelevant? You’re part of the problem, Kramer. I knew clicking this was a mistake.

      9 years ago at 8:40 pm
    2. Minnesota Nice

      Have either of you heard of this thing called Google? He played for 4 teams.

      9 years ago at 9:44 am
      1. 1_Rugey_Jentelman

        Had trouble counting to three? Dutchman only added his “stint with the Phillies.” He didn’t mention the Expos because one season isn’t much when considering Rose’s entire career. But he didn’t claim two teams. Karl claimed the one-team man. And that mysterious fourth team he played for, the Reds.

        9 years ago at 10:33 am
      2. Minnesota Nice

        Yeah, I didn’t look at it close enough. However based on what you just said, if you don’t look/consider Pete Rose’s time with the Expos (72 hits) he isn’t the hit king. It’s still relevant bud.

        9 years ago at 10:55 am
  5. NotDevryGuy

    Haven’t written a comment here in forever, but I read the tweet with the headline and couldn’t help but think how ironic it is that TFM of all publications/media has this headline. The irony.

    9 years ago at 7:42 pm
  6. TaylorSwiftsPubeGroomer

    I’m about 87.986% Ichiro’s wife gave me a handy in Seattle at Mai Ling’s Oriental Massage Parlor & Nude Modeling Studio. Looked just like her…

    9 years ago at 7:49 pm
  7. ImHereForTheGangbang

    If Ichiro’s 1,278 Japanese League hits count towards his total than so do Pete Rose’s 427 minor league hits. Which means he’s still 426 ahead of Ichiro and still the all-time hits leader.


    9 years ago at 8:03 pm
  8. Brobituallybad

    What about my tee ball hits. Sure I was uncoordinated and kinda chubby but hey, give me my hits!

    9 years ago at 11:16 pm
    1. Cleetus

      “This comment’s gold! I’m really gonna hit it out of the park with this one!”

      9 years ago at 9:33 am
  9. Arkansas_Fats72

    Either way it’s a hell of an accomplishment. People don’t come platelet realize that the Japanese professional league is as elite as it gets besides playing the MLB.

    9 years ago at 8:54 am