The instinctive cup tilt at the water cooler. TFM.

  1. Fratty McFratFrat

    You tilt your beer glass when you fill it so you don’t get foam. And you’re so used to doing that, you tilt the glass when you fill it with water. Is that it? It took me an hour to figure that out. Where is Fail Friday? Fuck you.

    10 years ago at 10:25 am
      1. For_The _Story

        Well his name has frat in it three times so I assume this site is his home page

        10 years ago at 11:46 am
    1. Hoosier Fratter

      Youre the type of person that opens a new tab to check TFM, only to realize you already have a tab open on TFM

      10 years ago at 9:46 pm
  2. Whiskey Danger

    oh right this is really funny and clever because he has consumed so much beer in his lifetime that his mind has been trained to tilt the cup when liquid is being poured into it even if it is not beer wow that is so frat man I wish I was as cool as you

    10 years ago at 9:28 pm