The Kent State Blood-Spattered Sweatshirt From Urban Outfitters Probably Wasn’t A Good Idea, Says History

On May 4, 1970, four unarmed Kent State students were killed protesting military action in Cambodia during the Vietnam War. In 13 seconds, the Ohio National Guard fired 67 bullets at the protestors. It sparked national outrage. You probably learned about it in a history class at some point in high school or college. It became known as the Kent State Massacre.

Urban Outfitters, basically a vintage Goodwill that plays Lana Del Ray on loop, does not give a shit about history. Here is the new Kent State blood-spattered sweatshirt the retailer offered for $129, then retracted after warranted backlash:


It could be a publicity stunt, though I don’t know what kind of company wants to be known for aggressively offensive sweatshirts, even if that market is currently untapped. If this is the shit that Urban Outfitters is green-lighting, what doesn’t make it on the shelves? The “9/11 was an inside job” throw pillow set? The Hurricane Katrina graphic tee?

After finally realizing its mistake, Urban Outfitters released an official apology statement:

Jesus. This is why I exclusively shop at Sports Authority.

  1. Bush Light

    Waiting for the “freedom of expression” hippie libs to come crying out. This just increases my disdain for urban outfitters and hippie liberal fucksticks.

    10 years ago at 11:56 am
    1. ButtpeeNation

      You know the founder of Urban Outfitters is a pretty staunch Conservative right?

      10 years ago at 10:50 pm
    1. ohio

      Dicks also folded under pressure from the left after sandy hook abd threw gun owners under the bus as well as ceased the sale of semi automatic sporting rifles.

      Dicks can get fucked.


      10 years ago at 4:28 pm
  2. AbrahamDrinkoln

    The only thing you really learned from history class is that America is the greatest country on earth. TFM.

    10 years ago at 12:02 pm
    1. NautiButNice

      Ignorance about a national tragedy wherein college students were killed, coming from someone who is probably in college himself? Cool, dude.

      10 years ago at 12:57 pm
    1. Mark Daniels

      Was thinking the same thing. Don’t they have to sign off for licensing purposes?

      10 years ago at 12:47 pm
  3. DrDoucheRocket

    Who the fuck sat down in whatever meeting and said “this idea is a real winner” ?

    10 years ago at 12:45 pm
  4. MasonJar

    As badly as you could try to convince someone, I truly don’t think it was supposed to be “bloody.” It looks to me like a hipsteresque attempt to fade a red shirt to white while leaving splotches, which led to backlash because the dumbasses didn’t even consider what it may have looked like to the public.

    10 years ago at 1:04 pm
    1. SphincteralMicturation

      Right, and unbelievable similarity to blood and random choice of Kent State as the school is just a coincidence.

      10 years ago at 4:00 pm
    2. FratAndFree

      I think if they wanted it to look like whatever the fuck you’re describing they would of made it that way instead.

      10 years ago at 5:22 pm