The Most Bizarre Crying Jordan Memes From Last Night’s National Championship Game

My feelings about the Crying Jordan meme can be summarized by one of Bacon’s tweets from last night.

But, as the night went on, and my timeline on every social media filled up with 23’s tear-riddled face photoshopped onto everything imaginable, I realized something about myself: I think the Crying Jordan meme has entertainment value. It is definitely not funny — it’s probably the most overused and least imaginative way to grab RTs and likes I can fathom, from a content creation standpoint. If you’re in media, posting a Crying Jordan meme is the internet equivalent of going to a neo-Nazi rally and yelling “Jews suck!” It only draws appreciation because it panders to its audience.

But, after being blasted with some pretty absurd memes last night, I learned to appreciate the Crying Jordan meme as an intentionally overused joke, and that has made all the difference in being able to tolerate it and, now, mildly enjoying it. To me, the Crying Jordan meme is now so unbelievably unfunny that it’s funny. It appears Bacon had the same change of heart as I.

Here are the funniest unfunny Crying Jordan memes from last night.

Editor’s note by Dorn: It’s always been funny.

  1. ChillwaterBroklahoma

    so in order for you to show how much you hated the crying Jordan meme, you posted them all over your website?

    9 years ago at 12:50 pm
  2. ThurstonHowell_IV

    Well Bacon is the expert on unfunny tools. I guess I’ll defer to his judgment.

    9 years ago at 10:33 am