The New “Obama Job Plan”

Obama has yet another plan to save our economy. Really, it’s the same plan as always, he’s just found a new way to phrase it. He has called for increased spending on roads, schools, and blighted neighborhoods, as well as cuts in social security payroll taxes. More spending? Weren’t we like one F-16 away from going bankrupt this summer? How does he expect to pay for this shit? I’ll tell you how: by stealing your money. Obama’s proposal to pay for the “jobs” plan includes taxes on wealthier Americans, oil companies, and hedge fund managers. Or to put it another way, he plans to pay for it by declaring war on the upper class. So Obama wants to take some money from the rich and redistribute it among various government projects in hopess that it will be the magic pill to cure an ailing economy.

Sure, wealth redistribution sounded like a great idea for potato farmers in 19th century Russia, but it didn’t work there, or in Cuba, or anywhere else ever for that matter, so I don’t think it’s really the best policy for America’s economic recovery. But, Obama is a man of his word. And he has made a commitment to being progressive and if that means reusing economic theories that have been ineffective for over a century then by God he’s going to do it.

It seems like Barack hasn’t learned anything in the last four years. Despite numerous efforts in the form of “economic stimulus packages” the economy is in the same shape and the unemployment rate has continued to rise. So, in response to this, Obama is pushing yet another stimulus package. Third times a charm right? I don’t think so. And the obvious ineffectiveness of this plan isn’t the only issue. The deficit reduction super committee is trying to figure out how to cut $1.2 trillion by December 25, otherwise the automatic budget cuts will go into effect. To assist these debt efforts, Obama is demanding an additional $447 billion to fund his job’s package. So the people that own businesses and actually create jobs are going to be penalized to fund the creation of temporary and low paying jobs for infrastructure improvement.

All this sounds very similar to Roosevelt’s New Deal. I know that there’s a large perception that the New Deal was what brought the United States out of the great depression, but the evidence just isn’t there. The implementation of the government projects had little effect on the quantifiable measures of a country economic health. The only thing that got us out that depression is same thing that’s going to get us out of this one, TIME. Boom always follows bust. A nation’s economy is representative of a national consciousness and is too complex to be engineered by a federal government. Obama’s going to keep pushing his agenda until we vote his liberal ass out’ve office, so rally the troops for the GOP 2012.