The Official 2016 Not Frat Bracket: Round Of 32


The Official 2016 Not Frat Bracket is here.

Earlier this year, your votes determined that Natural Light is 2016’s frattest thing. Now, it’s time to find out what reigns supreme at the opposite end of the spectrum — what is 2016’s most NF (not frat) thing? That’s up to you to decide.

After a round of 64 that saw an astonishing 418,636 votes cast, some big-time upsets, and two games determined by less than 87 votes, we have our field of 32 NF things ready to be voted upon. Let’s get to our first region.

Note: Bracket regions are named after the four main frat regions in a purely ceremonial manner. The things listed under them do not necessarily have any specific relationship with that respective frat region.

Polls will be closed Tuesday, June 28, and the Sweet Sixteen will be announced Wednesday, June 29.

The East Coast Region

#1 Socialism vs. #8 Campus PD

Both socialism and campus PD are coming off big wins in the round of 64, garnering 89% of the vote and 75% of the vote respectively. Do campus cops, who don’t even have what it takes to chase down post-freshman 15 college students, have what it takes to take down the 1 seed? Only time will tell.

#2 Hillary Clinton vs. #7 TOMS

Trump said it best:

In the other corner of the ring, you have those ballet-looking-ass shoes that make dude feet look like woman feet. Yuck. I stand by my assertion that TOMS would be doing more good for the world if they donated beer to those impoverished African children for each pair of TOMS sold instead of TOMS. That would help the kids forget about their situation instead of causing them to get even more depressed every time they look down at their feet and see that they’re wearing TOMS.

#4 Priuses vs. #5 Veganism

While Priuses are ideal for pulling an Andy Bernard and silently sneaking up on your opponents/pinning them up against a fence, it’s NF to care about the environment. Why do you think Dubya beat Al Gore in 2000? No, it wasn’t a flawed electoral college system; it was that tree-hugging pussy’s pro-environment stance. Furthermore, because of how “green” it is, the Prius is the car of the vegan. Which begs the question: which is worse, the car or the owner? Vote.

#6 Occupy Wall Street vs. #14 Hot Topic

Do you know what’s worse than a protest? An outdated, failed protest run by 99%ers who are angry about… things. I actually don’t even know what they were protesting about, to be honest. Poor people stuff, I assume, like how the McDouble should be added back to the dollar menu and how drug tests for people living off welfare are unconstitutional. #14 Hot Topic made it to the round of 32 via an absolute rout of a 3 seed, upsetting #3 Man buns with 62% of the vote. The power of pentagram t-shirts and Dragon Ball Z sweatpants was clearly underestimated.

Go to the next page to vote on the West Coast Region

  1. StockWithFrock

    Protesting is frat neutral, what the fuck? If you think the modern day “protest” of shouting hate-speech and looting neighborhood stores is protesting, you’re dead ass wrong. Protesting is what created this Goddamn beautiful country. We protested the intolerable taxes the British were imposing on us and we fought for our freedom. You guys are fucked for voting for protesting.

    9 years ago at 5:15 pm
      1. StockWithFrock

        Holy shit I just got endorsed by SharkWeek. Does this mean I can run for president of TFM now?

        9 years ago at 5:43 pm
      2. SharkWeekTFM

        Only if I can be Federal Inspector/Advisor for the Rush Boobs Restoration Committee

        9 years ago at 5:56 pm
    1. Breauregard44

      You know what they meant by protesting. The retards going on the hunger strikes when there dad makes millions because feelings

      9 years ago at 11:50 pm
    2. Larry_Sellers

      You’re right, but you have to understand context here. Protesting is great for the reasons you listed, but in the context of a TFM poll, you have to assume they aren’t talking about “taxation without representation,” but rather the kind of ridiculous campus activism that gets a news story written about it on this site twice a day. Your same argument could be made against voting for feminism, as the true definition of feminism is something that most people would generally advocate for. However, in the context of a TFM poll, we all know we’re not talking about the suffrage movement here, but rather the outrageous form of feminism that’s sweeping our campuses today. So, you know, context.

      9 years ago at 8:05 am
  2. SharkWeekTFM

    Cargos have to win because it demonstrates a healthier Greek community.

    It’s the principal of the thing. Like I said last time.
    All these things are inherently NF but it was us as a Greek community that we collectively decided that cargos are particularly NF. It’s kinda like how #ButtStuff2016 is F. It wouldn’t be as F if we didn’t come together (no pun intended) to agree that it is. So it goes with cargos being NF

    9 years ago at 5:33 pm
    1. LazyRican

      I agree, wearing cargos says you are a vegan, feminist and a virgin all combined.

      9 years ago at 7:18 pm
  3. Otter Stratton J.D.

    We need to make feminism win. Think of all the angry, illogical articles.

    9 years ago at 6:55 pm
  4. Beer Belly

    I can’t overstate how indubitably NF the traditional view of socialism is. however, we can’t deny that socialism, in a way, has made it’s way into our frat lives. We pool our dues money together to throw ragers. And who here can say they haven’t taken beer/whiskey/any other item from a brother’s room without asking (and keeps “forgetting” to return it).
    On the other hand, the only thing Campus PD does is suck ass.
    Help me pull this upset.

    9 years ago at 9:39 pm
    1. RichUnclePennybags

      Taking something without permission and not returning it is called theft you idiot. Turn your fucking brain on. Also, the difference between the dumpster fire that is socialism, and pooling money for your sick “ragers” is that you want the money to go to parties. Socialism doesn’t give you the choice. Socialism. NF.

      9 years ago at 10:58 am
  5. billybudd

    Protecting the environment is frat. We wouldn’t be able to enjoy inherently frat activities like shootin shit and rippin lips without the beautiful land we’ve been blessed with. Priuses, in my opinion, are therefore not “NF”, but instead, gay.

    9 years ago at 10:43 pm
  6. Doctor Franzia

    Veganism is going to win it all! I should know. I’ve seen its gross, green fibery heart.

    9 years ago at 9:04 am