The Patriots And The Necessity Of Cheating
There are two types of cheating as I see it. On one hand, there’s the type in which someone is knowingly harmed in a real, concrete way. This happens when the elderly get bilked out of their savings, or when spouses sleep around, or when companies cook their books. That’s BIG cheating — you can draw a fat line from action to consequence. Then there’s the other 99 percent, which starts with driving over the speed limit and ends somewhere past the Patriots deflating their game balls by two pounds per square inch. Now, I’m a Patriots guy — don’t mistake me — but I’m not going to argue whether they cheated. They certainly did; the evidence is clear. Rather, this whole thing has me wondering if any of it matters.
A few months ago, when The Fappening happened, I kept considering I was morally wrong to masturbate to the private photos of celebrities. I talked about the idea of anonymous moral responsibility with anyone who’d listen (my mom and I don’t make eye contact anymore). I kept coming back to this one example from college: every month or two, we would all be shit-wasted at our fraternity house, desperate for food. We would find that someone had broken the padlock to the freezer, fired up the fryer, and started cooking a feast of fries, chicken tenders, and — if the stars aligned — jalapeño poppers. Now, this caused a lot of problems. The padlocks cost money, the cooks were inconvenienced with another grocery trip, the kitchen was destroyed, and ultimately, this came out of our food budget, which had ghastly consequences on Sunday nights toward the end of the semester. The person who did this was always an asshole. This person knew the consequences and acted anyway, but there wasn’t anyone who was above getting in on the fun once the initial deed was done. The food was too available and too delicious. Those memories of sitting around our contraband feast, dipping into a Frank’s Red Hot and mayo concoction, are some of the best of my life — almost as great as right this minute (I’m typing this article with one hand and masturbating to a naked Jennifer Lawrence with the other). Now, as then, I feel no pangs of remorse, because I am removed from the initial crime. I am complicit, yet there is no question of morality for me. Jalapeño poppers and Jennifer Lawrence: who am I to resist? Humanity gets in the way.
The bigger, meatier question is how do we react when we are on the outside of all this: the car getting passed, the football team getting gamed, our buddies having access to Adderall before the big test, the celebrity photos getting hacked? Are you the type to complain about your fortunes, about the notion of what’s “fair”? Or do you accept that the world is full of shortcuts and workarounds? I’d guess we all pay lip service to the latter, but I think in truth, we find ourselves frustrated occasionally by the world dealing us short. I know I’ve complained about comedians getting work based on their look rather than their talent. Friends of mine deal with the disappointment of getting passed up for promotions for reasons they can’t understand. People get dumped for assholes, and kids lose games of Monopoly to other kids who hide fake money. That’s the world. Society puts safeguards in place for the big stuff — cops, courts, referees — but nothing can stop the millions of tiny “cheats” that happen all the time, because humanity gets in the way. So, we have two options: complain or adapt. If someone gets that job, or grade, or girl over you, you can’t just sit there and thrash your arms against the rushing tidal wave of reality. The only sane action is to turn inward and ask, not the least bit rhetorically, “How am I responsible for my own failure?”
Eventually, the cooks at our fraternity learned not just to padlock the freezer, but to deadbolt the kitchen. I’m pretty sure Jennifer Lawrence will never take a nude selfie again. And I’m certain NFL referees will start weighing balls at halftime, too. The Patriots cheated, sure, but it doesn’t matter. They’re going to the Super Bowl. Success has already delivered her judgement.
Go Pats..
Bets on whether Gerry Hamilton posts the link of this article to his twitter?
10 years ago at 11:10 am
10 years ago at 11:45 amTo be fair, there is a lot of jacking off being done in this article.
10 years ago at 1:42 pmIf you aren’t first you are last.
10 years ago at 11:13 amDid they also check the Colts balls for pressure?
10 years ago at 11:14 amCan the NFL prove the psi each ball was supposed to be before they were released to the team?
Did the weather and the handling contribute to the minor deflation(15%)?
Were the same gauges that checked the initial psi used to check the psi five hours later?
I think the colts were being sore losers. If the interception had happened with the colts up by 21 he wouldn’t have said a damn thing.
Chug the bleach, old sport.
10 years ago at 11:17 amPlease go the fuck away Conrad and eat shit, I’m asking nicely.
10 years ago at 11:18 amJust stop, man. Your comments are fucking terrible.
10 years ago at 11:19 amSo Frock itch is also Texas Tux and oil and Morning Wood. Damn, how many accounts do you have. When they Black Balled Frotal Frat Frove they created a monster Cerberus.
10 years ago at 11:24 amConsidering all our accounts were made in different years, you sir are a complete dumbass.
10 years ago at 11:27 amThen get off my dick. I defended the 2nd amendment and pointed out a funny buttstuff comment from TSM. That’s all I’ve commented on lately.
10 years ago at 11:30 amFucking Christ, kill yourself.
10 years ago at 12:22 pmDon’t say my name; you sound too much like your mother when you do that.
10 years ago at 11:29 amYou’re still to good for this site, jtrain.
10 years ago at 11:16 amSluuuurp.
10 years ago at 11:17 amStay over at TSM
10 years ago at 11:21 amGo jump off a cliff you bastard.
10 years ago at 11:21 amSorry money that was to Conrad but didn’t post under him for some reason.
10 years ago at 3:02 pmRight. Because if there’s anyone we should look to for an impartial and objective take on the Patriots controversy, it’s someone from Massachusetts.
10 years ago at 11:17 amHe admitted that he thinks they were cheating… He’s not trying to defend them, just asking if it really matters that the balls were slightly deflated. Was it really the deflated ball that caused the 38 point difference, or are the Colts just butthurt that they lost?
10 years ago at 11:35 amThey would have won regardless. The reason everyone is outraged is because Belicheck has, for the second time now, been caught impugning the integrity of the most sacred part of American sports culture, the level playing field.
10 years ago at 11:46 amIt’s not about one game, its about his blatant disregard for the rules and regulations of the NFL. Spygate and now this, and he comes out today and says he “doesn’t have an explanation” and that he “didn’t know.” Kind of reminds me of that one drug addicted friend that a lot of people have who steals from friends repeatedly and calls it a coincidence every time something goes missing and plays dumb when everyone knows he stole. Cheat on tests, cheat on women, fine. No big deal. But this isn’t a single player cheating like in baseball with Barry Bonds, Mark McGwire, A Rod. This is an entire organization… head coach, owner, GM, etc. on board with a cheating scandal twice to gain a competitive advantage. Also, if you think for a second that they just deflated the balls for the Colts game then you are a fool. I guarantee you this has been going on for a long time, and the higher ups in the chain of command will certainly all be stepping on their own dicks to explain themselves to that slap dick commissioner Roger Goodell once the impending investigation takes place (and there will be one). Don’t hate the patriots, don’t route for them, but the way I see it it’s a mistake allowing them to play in the Superbowl.
10 years ago at 1:05 pmThis morning on Good Morning America, former NFL ball boy stated that every quarterback had a personal preference on how they like their balls. Some like them overinflated, some like them damp, some like them scuffed, some like them slick. He said that every NFL team Ballboys know this and act accordingly. For all we know Andrew Luck likes his balls overinflated and the Colts balls had two extra lbs of psi.
10 years ago at 1:12 pmAnd take a guess which kind Tom Brady likes. So Brady gets the ball at the exact psi he wants every game and the other QB might prefer it, be indifferent, or hate it and play worse with the deflated ball… so they get an unfair advantage almost every time.
10 years ago at 1:19 pmWhat about kickers? Do they manipulate their balls?
10 years ago at 1:22 pmAs per the NFL rule book each team will provide 12 balls for their offense with the home team providing an additional 12 to be used if need be. The special teams of each team will be provided with 6 balls by the league.
10 years ago at 4:07 pmNo. Each team uses their own balls when on offense.
10 years ago at 1:23 pmYou prove my point with every rebuttal. Tom Brady: gets the type of ball he wants on offense. Opposing QB: gets no such choice. Advantage: Brady.
10 years ago at 1:26 pmNo. If Manning likes overinflated balls he gets overinflated balls because the offense provides the balls.
10 years ago at 1:29 pmThat’s not fucking true. The home team provides 24 balls at the beginning of the game, 12 they keep And 12 go to the away team.
10 years ago at 2:14 pmhow are you still getting facts wrong with all the articles that have been written in the past three days?
10 years ago at 3:36 pmEach team uses their own balls, you fuck.
10 years ago at 3:53 pmSome of you may not want to hear this but politics are what is driving the media frenzy and keeping it alive.
10 years ago at 11:41 amThe Patriots organization was asked to provide players who would make a video and promote Obamacare. They declined. Seattle accepted the offer.
Russell Wilson and Richard Sherman made an Obamacare promo video. Other Seahawks are also acting as Onamacare ambassadors.
It’s mainstream media payback time against the Patriots.
Dude what are you even talking about
10 years ago at 11:44 amGoogle it.
10 years ago at 11:47 amStaff please ball Conrad already, he’s upsetting the commenters and we get rustled easy.
10 years ago at 11:47 amTexas tux, do 2 minutes of research and then tell me if I am wrong. I’m just giving my opinion on this article and this issue. Would you up vote me if I gave the cliche “you’re too good for us JTrain” comment?
10 years ago at 11:54 amYou’re wrong
10 years ago at 1:10 pmWrong about Sherman and Russel making an Obamacare video?
10 years ago at 1:14 pmI’m now fully convinced you’re a troll.
10 years ago at 11:47 amNot trolling, just giving info and my opinion on the issue. The NFL knows it’s a non issue and that the Patriots would have win anyway, but the NFL is worried about all of the pissed off gamblers who lost money. Those gamblers are questioning whether the deflated balls helped cover the Vegas spread.
10 years ago at 12:01 pmYou’re grasping at straws, man. You quote articles like you’re writing a highschool research paper and still can’t understand the basic concept that correlation isn’t the same as causation. How the fuck did this all come back to supporting Obamacare? Get out of here with your faux intellectual insight, the article built and concluded its own argument just fine without your shaky contribution
10 years ago at 12:11 pmMaybe you are right, but sometimes where there is smoke there is fire.
10 years ago at 12:16 pmNo. There’s no said smoke, or fire, anywhere in this article or the others you weigh in on. No one knows what the fuck you’re talking about half the time, buddy.
10 years ago at 12:27 pmThis isn’t my theory. I saw the story about the Seattle / Obamacare promo on five different news sites.
10 years ago at 12:34 pmJust because you haven’t read about it doesn’t make it stupid.
Fuck Obama. Fuck Richard Sherman. Fuck Russell Wilson. Fuck Obamacare. Fuck the Seahawks.
10 years ago at 12:52 pmGood summation.
10 years ago at 2:40 pmGood shit, jtrain.
10 years ago at 11:19 amDamnit Jtrain, this site worships you so much that they’re going to be sympathizing with the Patriots now
10 years ago at 11:19 amSo, out of all of the dudes that work at Grandex, Carter Cruised liked the size of Dorn’s balls the most. Did Dorn cheat?
10 years ago at 1:27 pmWhat would we do without you jtrain

10 years ago at 11:20 amLaGarrette Blount rushed for 150 yards and 3 scores. Probably could’ve carried a completely flat ball.
10 years ago at 11:20 amThanks Brandon Browner!
10 years ago at 11:39 amA flat ball is actually easier for a running back to hold so yea he could have carried a flat ball
10 years ago at 12:37 pmHi, I’m LeGarrette Blount from the Steelers and I have cable and I’m LeGarrette Blount from the Patriots and I have DirectTV
10 years ago at 1:04 pmThe refs did weigh the balls at half and they were approved and then the patriots replaced those balls with different ones for the second half
10 years ago at 11:22 am