The Stages Of Taking A Terrible Shot That Makes You Want To Barf And Die
Is it better to get punched in the throat when you know it’s coming, or when it’s a surprise?
As far as taking awful shots is concerned, I have no definitive answer for this. I can’t recall a time I more competently knocked back a warm ounce of whiskey so cheap that it tasted like it was distilled in a trailer’s repurposed but only half-cleaned septic tank — you could sense notes of bleach in the way it burned, but the sour aftertaste was clearly human waste — all because I knew what I was in store for. Mostly I just psych myself out. Like when I’m about to rip off a bandaid. If that bandaid were duct tape. Coated with Gorilla Glue. Laid over my taint.
At the same time, though, a surprise shot of border wall-justifyingly cheap tequila can easily be the mentos to my stomach’s bottle of soda. The dynamite to my stomach’s gasoline. The turd floating in my stomach’s swimming pool that sends everyone in it frantically scrambling out.
For every consumed shot of liquor that’s just other, better liquor that was distilled poorly and rebranded as a cheaper more consumer friendly alternative — maybe someone screwed up the recipe, maybe a raccoon that just had its way with a Del Taco dumpster crawled into the vat and died — there are stages of acceptance before and after taking it.
What is this?
A lot of times, maybe most of the time, you don’t know what you’re going to be handed and, frankly, you don’t care. It’s a free drink. And like with all things that are free, whether they be, say, a t-shirt, some pizza, or sex with a person without exerting any effort to get it, your standards for what is acceptable drop to shamefully low levels. For the former two, you don’t care, for example, if the one is an XL that has no business being on you, or that the other is troublingly sloppy, respectively. For the latter example, you don’t care that it’s either of those things.
Sometimes (like I did this past weekend at homecoming) you forget you’re in a college bar, with college kids, and that to the guy who is handing you a shot, two dollars is a lot to pay for a single shot of tequila. He could buy at least four beers with that money, dammit.
If you do know that you’re getting some hot brown fire water, an internal conversation immediately begins, in large part because you’re too much of a proud, stupid man to have an external conversation along the lines of, “Absolutely not you sick piece of shit. I decline your useless, demented offer.”
As if being able to stomach a shot of rancid trash water is impressive to anyone, even, ultimately, the guy buying you the shot. At best he’ll just be bummed that he didn’t get you spit up like a baby that had too much formula. In the history of the planet, no man has ever gotten laid saying, “Sup babe, NBD but I was just able to hold down something that tasted like spicy pig diarrhea without barfing soooo where do you wanna go bang this one out?”
And so, either in your head or out loud, depending on how drunk you already are, you stare at God’s latest ignored reminder that pride is a sin and alternate between telling the shot and the person who bought it for you, “Fuck you I will beat you you sick bastard.” Then, you switch to yourself and try to hype your way into the shot being a good idea.
“Don’t be a little pussy. Take this shit.”
“Oh God It Was Poison!”
When I was handed that aforementioned shot of tequila, it was clear and cold so I didn’t think much of it. I said thank you and turned back to the conversation I was in the middle of. The girl I was talking to kept right on excitedly telling me about being in law school, and then I tilted my head back, poured what for only the smallest fraction of a second seemed like normal liquor — and only because it was chilled — down my gullet, and then my brain went into panic mode.
It was all hands on deck to keep that icy piss down. Every fiber of my being was focused on closing my esophagus. Nothing was allowed in or out of my body, to the point where I think my ears stopped sensing sound waves and my eyes stopped letting in light. An active shooter could’ve started lighting up the bar and still my priority would’ve been to stand up, and as still and rigidly as possible, to suppress my body’s extremely natural and justified attempts to purge.
Nothing else matters in that moment aside from keeping down the demons.
Just Breathe And Act Like Everything Is Cool And That You’re Cool, So That People Will Think You’re Cool
Again, because you are a dumb idiot like me who believes, or at least was convinced, that there’s some small sliver of pride to be gained by taking a shot of McClinty’s Sewer Aged Whiskey, the next step is to act like your body definitely isn’t physically responding to the alcohol like it’s the sight of your parents fisting each other. So you stand there and absorb the blow, hoping no one notices the sweat on your brow or your quivering lips doing their best to stay tightly pressed together and contain the eruption waiting inside you.
Now real pride is on the line. None to gain, mind you, just pride to keep. Because now you’ve put yourself dangerously close to yakking at the bar. If you do, you’ll either be thrown out or need to leave and go to a place where everyone doesn’t already know you’re trash. I assume this is sort of how someone feels in the middle of a game of Russian Roulette. They started playing to seem tough, but now that they’re in it they’d like to be anywhere else.
“Hmm, now that this loaded gun is pointed at my temple being called a pussy doesn’t seem all that bad…”
Finally (usually, anyway) you suppress the evil and send the dragons back to their lair. And you’ve learned absolutely no lessons. This might happen again tonight. It might happen again within the hour. You have no shame. And, ironically, no pride..
I have a shockingly similar reaction to reading this site’s newest articles
8 years ago at 4:56 pmCobra whiskey. You have to try it one time but that’s all I recommend
8 years ago at 5:03 pmUpdate the wall
8 years ago at 5:12 pmSubmit stuff. We get like nothing anymore.
8 years ago at 5:35 pmI wonder what the reason for that is?
8 years ago at 5:45 pmIt’s not a new thing. The wall has been getting few and shitty submissions for at least a year. Very regular complaint from the site managers.
8 years ago at 5:48 pmI object to the characterization of my “shooting 3’s in IM basketball while burning a heater” submissions as “shitty.”
8 years ago at 5:54 pmDoes the site manager object to IGBOTD as well? And get rid of the fucking grillmaster and his closet homosexual friend.
8 years ago at 6:15 pmI think they’re trying to figure out who gets saddled with that bitch work. Not it.
8 years ago at 6:23 pmYou are going to sit behind your computer and tell me that sorting through incoming emails from 18 & 19 year old Instagram sloots to determine if they look like they at ‘hurting for a squirting’ and then sliding in their DM’s before embedding a few Instagram pictures into a blog post once a day is bitch work? C’mon Bacon…..
If I have to step up for the team and jump on that grenade, then I’ll do it. Jack Mehoff IV is the freelance writer for the job.
8 years ago at 9:12 pmListen man, human beings can adapt to anything, including getting desensitized to seeing mostly naked dime piece 18 year olds. Even 90s Playboy photographers hated Mondays, so to speak. Trust me, I used to do TFM sweethearts back in the day. You have to sort through a ton of bullshit and the coding is low key a tedious bitch.
Plus it just throws your judgment totally out of whack. In real life a cute 7 starts to look like a 4. A hard 9 seems like a 6. It just totally fucks with your reality after a while.
8 years ago at 10:01 pmThank you for actually clarifying why the wall hasnt been updated. Zinky, you are a worthless heap of dogshit and your “heroic work” in “single handedly destroying the wall” was not so great after all.
8 years ago at 10:36 pmAnd Rob, for fucks sake delete the fucking grillmaster
8 years ago at 10:36 pm“Nothing worth having comes easy.” – Theodore Roosevelt
Don’t let the fire die. Embrace the challenge, Bacon. Do it for this obscure frat blog. Do it for your fellow 18-35 year old white male demographic. Do it for America. Make IGBOTD great again!
8 years ago at 11:23 pmMay have a correlation to this non-fraternal articles. I’m not pointing fingers, only making an assumption. I’ll be honest, I’ve been a lot more interested in visiting the site and/or the app recently. I hate that we lost some good writers, but I feel like we’re seeing TFM heading back in it’s original direction.
8 years ago at 7:52 pmIt’s sad, the wall was my favorite in undergrad, but it felt like it would always remain the frat spinoff of “FML” (and who reads that anymore?), so its simultaneous decline in popularity/ quality makes sense. Twitter and Instagram have become way funnier in the last couple years anyway, so I think the consumption platform in vogue has changed more than the authors or the publishers.
8 years ago at 5:04 amI’m glad you’re writing columns regularly again, you pasty son of a bitch.
8 years ago at 5:13 pmI’m here to please.
8 years ago at 9:01 pmHe is making up for losing boosh.
8 years ago at 9:55 pmFuck that. Bring back the forums.
8 years ago at 9:56 pmThis was spot on. Always happens right when you get to the level where you’re comfortably drunk.
8 years ago at 9:06 amThis reminds me of the time we found a dead chipmunk in our tub of jungle juice that we had left out over night.
8 years ago at 7:00 pmRob, this is a solid article. It’s good to see you back behind the keyboard again. I hope we can look forward to more articles like this.
8 years ago at 7:48 pmThanks. Will be cranking them out regularly
8 years ago at 8:42 pmThis reads like a PGP comment
8 years ago at 5:00 amOr a really lonely man.
8 years ago at 1:50 pmBring back the diary of Todd Storm
8 years ago at 12:42 pm