1. KimJongBro

    Are they forming the shittiest boy band ever? The poor mans Ricky Martin on the end looks like he’s going full retard. Dude in the black shirt is late for his shift at red lobster. Dudes in the white bow tie and American flag bow tie look like they’re finger popping each others assholes. Dude on the far right is looking like he’s about to smell his hands after sticking them in his sweaty pits. Mr. Tang can’t be heard over the loudness of his orange shirt. Goober convention ’13 up in Oregon.

    11 years ago at 12:10 pm
  2. PhiPhiFrat

    I want to fly out to Oregon so I can personally punch each and every one of you in face. Thanks for ruining my day, asshats.

    11 years ago at 12:24 pm
    1. PING_InHerButthole

      So they’re from Oregon, but you’re going to fly them out to Oregon? I just don’t understand the logic here…

      11 years ago at 1:53 pm
  3. InHocSigbroVinces

    just because you put on a bow tie doesn’t mean you’re dressing up to standards

    11 years ago at 2:12 pm