The TFM Back to School Checklist
With Fall fast approaching, and the calm relaxation of the Summer months coming to a close, it is time for the fraternal excellence of the world to prepare itself for a return to glory. While back to school once meant a fresh new set of 64 Crayons and stacks of construction paper as far as your juvenile eyes could see, in our collegiate glory the focus takes a significant shift.
While I’m sure you’ve gone over your own checklist time and time again, making sure you don’t forget a single thing necessary for the debauchery of your year ahead, I’ve put together my own just to make sure nothing slips through the cracks. With any luck, this will be one of the sloppiest most drunken years of each and every one of our lives.
☐ Condoms
So you can use them one out of every ten times you get laid.
☐ Drywall
Someone is going to punch a hole in your wall eventually. Might as well stock up.
☐ Bottle of Favorite Liquor
Always start on the right note.
☐ Hatred of Pledges
Because you know they’re going to be the worst pledge class of all time.
☐ Dignity
You might as well have it for this first day or two.
☐ Koozie Collection
Thou shalt not let thy hand warm thy beer.
☐ Golf Clubs
So you have a good excuse to get blackout on Saturday mornings.
☐ Adderall Prescription
They’re as easy to get as Chlamydia from your local “Loft Monkey.”
☐ Your fucks given
On second thought, leave those at home.
☐ iPhone
“Siri, you little robo-slut, I need to find a gas station that’s still selling beer.”
☐ Funnel
Everyone loves the guy carrying the funnel.
☐ Practice Slam Session With a Girl Back Home
You might as well make sure you’re in top form for Fall semester.
☐ Your Gameday Demeanor
☐ Gatorade and Advil
The breakfast of champions.
☐ Laptop
97% for aimless internet searching, 3 percent for actual legitimate work.
☐ Pack of Tissues
You never know when you’ll get a “totally accidental” nosebleed.
☐ Sense of American Pride
If the Star Spangled Banner doesn’t get you slightly aroused right after the Olympics, there’s no helping you.
☐ New Sperry Topsiders
They’ll smell like gorilla testicles by September.
☐ Textbooks
…from last semester that you still haven’t sold back.
☐ Netflix Subscription
The only wingman you’ll ever need.
☐ Tank Tops
No sleeves, no shame.
☐ One Pair of Crutches
If you don’t need them this semester, someone else in your house will.
☐ Breathlyzer
The ultimate drinking game. Simplicity meets reckless abandon.
☐ Futon
Never underestimate the sexual convenience of a couch that is also a bed.
☐ Plans for a Roadtrip
If you aren’t going to enemy territory at least once this football season, you’re doing it wrong.
☐ Cooler Made by Your Formal Date
Because if she’s worth anything at all, she made it look fucking awesome.
☐ Your Love of Freshmen
☐ Grill
Because what’s more American than drinking and cooking red meat?
☐ Your Drunken Recklessness
You had to play it safe drinking back home, but not anymore with the glory of pledge rides right around the corner.
☐ Lawn Chair
The best and only way to scope your Sorority Rush Week.
☐ Your hatred of rival fraternities.
Because that 3-month old carton of spoiled eggs would be an excellent addition to their courtyard renovations.
☐ Plastic Sunglasses
Sometimes, you’re going to drink enough that your Costas have a 98% chance of destruction. Can’t hurt to have a safety net.
☐ Intramural Jersey
So you can at least look good when you get reminded how far you’ve fallen from your high school athletic glory.
☐ Paddle
Only for decoration…of course.
☐ Rowdy Gentleman T-Shirt Collection
Because shameless plugs are okay when the shirts are this awesome.
Thanks for the Rowdy Gentleman link! Gonna stock up so I can wear Rowdy Gentleman everyday of the week like a true fratstar!!!
12 years ago at 10:51 amAnd when people look at you, they’ll think, “what a fratstar”
12 years ago at 12:11 pmNews Flash: NOBODY GIVES A SHIT!!
12 years ago at 2:07 pm^this guy gets it
12 years ago at 12:51 am^^^ Haven’t seen a news flash in quite some time
12 years ago at 2:22 pmDennis is trying too hard.
12 years ago at 3:00 pmLube, 8 track player, animal blood, straight razor, lava lamp, the essentials
12 years ago at 10:52 amStuffed Buffalo.
12 years ago at 12:41 pm^^YES
12 years ago at 7:14 pmThis was good.
12 years ago at 11:08 amSaid no one ever about a Stuffratpeoplelike column
12 years ago at 2:28 pm^ You butthurt?
12 years ago at 4:08 pmFunnel
Everyone loves the guy carrying the funnel.
I disagree. No one likes that annoying little fucker.
12 years ago at 11:18 am^puss
12 years ago at 12:03 pm^ Ice Cold Frat is right. But the guy that never turns down the funnel, well that’s another story..
12 years ago at 3:54 pmSolid call on the futon. Nothing says “hospitality” like a fold-out sofa that’s underside fabric has been discreetly removed so as to hide the sierra brown remnants of a 2-inch shitball.
Addition: your lucky, battle-tested jizzrag.
12 years ago at 11:19 am“your lucky, battle-tested jizzrag”
My roommate won’t be coming back this semester, unfortunately.
12 years ago at 11:23 am^
12 years ago at 12:14 pmDip/Smokes – Odds are they’re worth their weight in gold to a number of brothers in your house.
12 years ago at 11:30 amI’m very confused by this comment. Are you bringing the tobacco products for your own use, or are you selling them second-hand to your brothers? Why would your brothers pay an exorbitant price for your black market products when they could just as easily purchase them ANYWHERE else for under $5?
12 years ago at 2:57 pm^ You have no idea do you. They’re their own form of currency..
12 years ago at 4:40 pmAlso packs of Marlboro are 8+ bucks in AZ. I stocked up in VA before heading back
12 years ago at 4:54 pm^Let me get this straight… You started in the south, and then you went somewhere that isn’t the south? On purpose?
12 years ago at 8:56 pm^
Are you saying that Arizona has more Southernness and Southern history than Virginia?
Lace em immediately!
12 years ago at 9:29 pm^
12 years ago at 9:30 pm^
Unless of course you meant the other way around…in which case, my shoes are tied.
Under 5$ what are you smoking Paul Mall?
12 years ago at 12:52 amI still disagree with you gentlemen. As a frequent dipper myself, whenever I needed dip, I just walked across the street to the gas station and bought a can, and yes, it was under $5. I am not sure how the brotherhood tobacco currency fits into this equation.
12 years ago at 9:11 amNo what he does is actually quite genius. He stocks up on tobacco in VA, travels to AΖ, sells it at a higher price, and repeats. Infinite money.
12 years ago at 10:18 am^^^ Pall Mall. Lace ‘Em Up.
12 years ago at 3:03 pmIf you’re going to sell them, sell them to the pledges for 10 bucks a piece when they run out
12 years ago at 8:00 pmwho waits until 10 am to get shit faced on gamedays?
12 years ago at 11:32 am^ rooks
12 years ago at 11:35 amPeople who drink on Fridays…?
12 years ago at 11:45 am10 am is when college gameday comes on
12 years ago at 12:53 amA mop for the impending snail trail
12 years ago at 11:37 amButts to pee in will be supplied.
12 years ago at 11:37 am10 AM is too late.
12 years ago at 11:38 am